Legal rights in the children’s hearings system: evolution or revolution?
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How best to plan for dispersed energy - UK shale gas as a case study
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Investigations on the mechanisms of non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation and sonocrystallisation
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Assessing the effectiveness of government policies to stimulate the supply of early-stage risk capital : evidence from Scotland
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Improving children's literacy in areas of socio-economic disadvantage : the design and evaluation of a strategy to address underachievement and illiteracy
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Extended Breelike diagrams for high temperature structures
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Particle-wall interactions in turbulence flow to predict erosion in pipelines and devices
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On the evolution of and the deposition from an evaporating sessile droplet
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Understanding the feasibility of growing reed canary grass on a historic mine site for phytostabilisation
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“Sometimes reality enters the room” : spatial in/justice and the in/visibilisation of local actors within international biodiversity negotiations