Résultats de recherche
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Challanges and prospects of community-based health insurance in Bangladesh
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Essays on the impact of UK National Living Wage policy : insights into health, wellbeing, and informal caregiving
2 de 9
Making sense of and valuing volunteering: on the edge between theoretical perspectives and managerial or evaluative practices. a multi-study, multi-method dissertation.
3 de 9
Optimising outcomes for potentially resectable pancreatic cancer through personalised predictive medicine : the application of complexity theory to probabilistic statistical modeling
4 de 9
Performance management in Thai R&D organizations : exploring the interplay between R&D institutions and R&D contexts
5 de 9
'Where's the storytelling factory?' A social enterprise blueprint for our older people's last 1000 days
6 de 9
Putting (programme) theory into practice, the use of programme theory in programme evaluation practice in small third sector organisations. Current practice and future improvements
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Economic burden of diarrheal diseases and effect of vaccination - experience from a lower middle-income country
8 de 9
Learning how to learn in the Chinese policy making process
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