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The formation, properties and behaviour of coastal soft soil deposits at Perlis and other sites in peninsular Malaysia
1 of 10
The architectural design process and indoor air quality
2 of 10
The reconstruction of fires involving highly flammable hydrocarbon liquids
3 of 10
An investigation into the impact of quality management systems upon construction productivity at the site level
4 of 10
The nature of boredom
5 of 10
Hip joint forces in hip replacement patients and normal subjects during activities of daily living
6 of 10
Technology transfer to China through foreign direct investment
7 of 10
Development of a finite element modelling system for piezocomposite transducers
8 of 10
Analysis of the consolidation behaviour of a tropical soft water laid soil
9 of 10
Further development of a dip-coated polyurethane tri-leaflet heart valve
10 of 10