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An investigation of the barriers to information access : A study among university students with special reference to Saudi Arabia
1 of 10
British representative institutions and the management of crises : conceptual and empirical connections
2 of 10
Business environmental discourses at global Earth Summits : comparing Rio and Johannesburg
3 of 10
The political economy of accounting change : the case of Albania
4 of 10
Interpreting another culture : an ethnographic study of how Western-educated women make sense of Chinese culture in Shanghai
5 of 10
Attitudes towards employee involvement : gender differences and similarities
6 of 10
Construction claims in Saudi Arabia : a study of sources and associations of claims
7 of 10
Identity and interpretation of the built environment : a case study of interpretation of symbolic artefacts in the organisational built environment and it's affect [sic] on the identity forming process
8 of 10
Wavelength modulation spectroscopy with tunable diode lasers : a calibration-free approach to the recovery of absolute gas absorption line-shapes
9 of 10
Children's performance on and understanding of the balance scale problem : the effects of adult support
10 of 10