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Bioencapsulation in silica sol-gel nano-pores and intrinsic protein fluorescence : ensemble and single molecule
1 of 20
Phenomenological model of culinary innovation : a systemic view
2 of 20
Non-Keplerian orbits for low-thrust propulsion
3 of 20
Understanding emergence : a pragmatic interdisciplinary approach
4 of 20
Towards a 'life in harmony' : survival and resistance strategies of Amazonian peoples affected by the oil industry in Ecuador and Peru
5 of 20
Cellular actions of peroxynitrite in pulmonary artery endothelial and smooth muscle cells : relevance to pulmonary hypertension
6 of 20
Reflection in medical education : a case study exploring students', tutors' and educators' understanding and experience of reflection
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Doing the right thing : human agency and ethical choice-making in professional practice
8 of 20
Physical activity levels among young children with ASN/ disability
9 of 20
ISP copyright liability : towards an enhanced Chinese ISP copyright liability regime
10 of 20
Activist intelligence and covert corporate strategy : an analysis of corporate spying on critical activists
11 of 20
Bahrain's bigger picture : a contextualized brand image for tourism
12 of 20
Encountering forms of ethnic and social cohesion : the Polish community in Glasgow
13 of 20
New Labour's immigration policy : the audience, the 'other' and the institutionalisation of policy feedback
14 of 20
The role of typomorphology in sustaining the cultural identity of Chinese cities : the case study of Nanjing, China
15 of 20
Relating impression management to behavioural theory : the case of the preliminary announcement
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Volunteer Tourism, an ambiguous phenomenon : an analysis of the demand and supply for the volunteer tourism market
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Finding a way forward : the impact of teachers' strategies, beliefs and knowledge on teaching English as a foreign language in Saudi Arabia
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Human resource development for sustainability : an exploratory study with reference to Indian tourism
19 of 20
The pedagogy and implementation of Modern Languages in the Primary School : pupil attitudes and teachers' views
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