The role of accessory minerals in inhibiting bentonite erosion in the geological disposal of higher activity radioactive waste
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Analysis in circuit breaker performance requirements for high-voltage DC networks
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Extraction methods for assessing the bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in urban airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
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Experimental and numerical assessment of a tidal turbine control strategy
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Micro- and nano-soft lithography for the fabrication of photonic devices
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Design and synthesis of molecular tools for the ubiquitin proteasome system
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Theoretical studies of smectic liquid crystals in the presence of flow, oscillatory perturbations, and edge dislocations
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Explaining state cooperation with the international criminal courts and tribunals
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Regulatory framework for adjudicators in the Malaysian construction industry
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SERS-based nanoparticle biodetection using carbohydrate-lectin interactions