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Novel mechanisms for thermal control in ECMO
1 of 10
E-government adoption and implementation in developing countries : an exploratory study of adoption success factors for e-government services to citizens (G2C) in Libya
2 of 10
Job displacement and the implications for job quality : an investigation of the job transition process for public sector workers in Scotland, UK and Ontario, Canada during the Great Recession
3 of 10
Improvement of heat-led CHPs based upon ORC-technology
4 of 10
White lighting : an assessment of different organic, hybrid, non-conventional and theoretical methods
5 of 10
Design and synthesis of inhibitors of the non-canonical NF-ĸB pathway for the treatment of prostate and pancreatic cancer
6 of 10
An Exploration of Alkali Metal Ferrate Chemistry: Synthesis and Exploitation for N-Heterocyclic Carbene and Fluoroarene Functionalisation
7 of 10
Footsteps into the forgotten : consuming obsolescence
8 of 10
Consuming Kate : unpacking the feminine ideologies surrounding the celebrity princess brand
9 of 10
Urban morphometrics: towards a quantitative science of urban form
10 of 10