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Effect of fertilisers on the availability of potentially toxic elements in soil
1 of 100
A medicinal chemistry approach towards brodomain epigenetic modulators
2 of 100
Engineering of artificial bone tissues
3 of 100
Hydrodynamic design aspects of tension leg platforms for wind turbines
4 of 100
The O'Donnell lords of Tír Conaill, 1537-1603 : a study of their efforts to maintain their local power in sixteenth-century Ireland
5 of 100
"Who does she think she is, eh?" : a discursive psychological analysis of in-group teasing in problem-based learning
6 of 100
Extending social entrepreneurship research : integrating theory and method
7 of 100
Examination of cytotoxicity of Crotalus adamanteus and Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus venom on human skin melanoma and ovarian carcinoma cell lines
8 of 100
Theoretical and experimental investigations on critical multiphase flows in safety relief valves and nozzles
9 of 100
Ultrasound imaging for robotic knee arthroplasty
10 of 100
The civilian body in wartime : occupational health and safety on Clydeside during the Second World War
11 of 100
Developing a game theory competition analysis for the liner container shipping
12 of 100
Improvement of heat-led CHPs based upon ORC-technology
13 of 100
Integrated modelling of moisture release, transport and buffering in housing
14 of 100
Segmentation and quantification of oropharynx and larynx tumours from MRI data
15 of 100
Social and environmental determinants of quality of life : the case of Glasgow
16 of 100
Inter-muscular coherence and neurogenic tremor as tools to evaluate the effects of motor training, transcranial stimulation and peripheral stimulation on cortical activity
17 of 100
An investigation of joint attention in autism spectrum disorders and the broader autism continuum
18 of 100
Imagined women : consumerism, nationalism, and gender in the Ladies' Home Journal and Canadian Home Journal of the 1920s
19 of 100
The afterlives of Scottish palaces : conservation policy at Scotland's royal residences
20 of 100
High contrast measurements with a Bose-Einstein condensate atom interferometer
21 of 100
Learning by internationalisation : the case of Syrian firms
22 of 100
Aspects of laser absorption spectroscopy in the mid-infrared and visible
23 of 100
The design and synthesis of targeted BET inhibitors
24 of 100
A liberating inheritance : Chinese Canadian and Japanese Canadian literature in English, 1970s-2000s
25 of 100
Development of chemical probes for non-BET bromodomains
26 of 100
The effects of head restraint on the sleep architecture of mice
27 of 100
Novel PI3Kδ inhibitors for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
28 of 100
Use of fragment-based drug discovery to identify novel drug molecules for challenging biological targets, including protein-protein interactions
29 of 100
Studies towards the synthesis and labelling of bioactive peptides
30 of 100
Extending ancilla driven universal quantum computation beyond stepwise determinism
31 of 100
Viscous response in shear of clayey geomaterial
32 of 100
β-recrystallisation characteristics of α + β titanium alloys for aerospace applications
33 of 100
Bioeconomic modelling of seal impacts on West of Scotland fisheries
34 of 100
Characterization of low conductivity wide band gap semiconductors
35 of 100
Modelling offshore wind farm operation and maintenance with view to estimating the benefits of condition monitoring
36 of 100
Investigating and exploiting best practices in hit identification and hit to lead chemistry
37 of 100
Structure-guided approaches to the design of novel autotaxin inhibitors
38 of 100
Computer simulation of the growth of ice structures under astronomical conditions
39 of 100
Biogeochemical characterisation of extreme environments
40 of 100
Examination of the effect of the method of preparation of niosomes with influenza antigen on immune response
41 of 100
Atmospheric non-thermal plasma discharges for cleaning and bio-decontamination
42 of 100
Engagement climate in service settings
43 of 100
Investigating the neuroprotective properties of PAR2
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The synthesis and optimisation of toll-like receptor agonists as potential immunomodulatory agents
45 of 100
Development of a microfluidic platform for multicellular tumour spheroid assays
46 of 100
Investigation of LPA₁ receptor antagonism / ATX inhibition by a scaffold hopping aproach and SAR analysis
47 of 100
An empirical investigation of the resource curse theory and economic growth : panel data analysis
48 of 100
Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind farm availability and operations & maintenance costs subject to uncertain input factors
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Combined chemo-radiotherapy utilising Olaparib and Mirin in combination with X-rays and targeted radionuclide therapy
50 of 100
Job displacement and the implications for job quality : an investigation of the job transition process for public sector workers in Scotland, UK and Ontario, Canada during the Great Recession
51 of 100
Development of tumour-targeted gene delivery systems for intravenous cancer therapy
52 of 100
Chasing yesterday : nowcasting economic activity with timely indicators
53 of 100
Investigation of the cumulative impact of alkaline electrolysers on electrical power systems
54 of 100
Mathematical modelling of semiconductor photocatalysis
55 of 100
Operational expenditure optimisation utilising condition monitoring for offshore wind parks
56 of 100
Novel experimental techniques for biopharmaceutical analysis
57 of 100
Maximum entropy based evolutionary optimization of water distribution networks under multiple operating conditions and self-adaptive search space reduction method
58 of 100
Towards the rational development of organic super electron donors for transition metal-free biaryl coupling
59 of 100
Optoelectronic study of InGaN/GaN LEDs
60 of 100
Understanding succession processes in family businesses : case studies in the German Mittelstand
61 of 100
Electrically-induced degradation of polyester films for photovoltaic devices
62 of 100
Ruthenium picolinates for photosensitisation of heterogeneous water oxidation
63 of 100
Dielectric barrier discharges for ozone generation
64 of 100
Applications of the Pauson-Khand reaction in the synthesis of tricyclic sesquiterpene natural products
65 of 100
Can approximate integral equation theories accurately predict solvation thermodynamics
66 of 100
How lawyers negotiate : perceptions of effectiveness in legal negotiations
67 of 100
Functionalisation of hollow gold nanosperes for use as stable, red-shifted SERS nanotags in bio-imaging
68 of 100
Generalising plans to influence landscapes for robust agent execution in virtual worlds
69 of 100
Formation of polyelectrolyte nanocapsules for drug release induced by ultrasonic stimulation
70 of 100
Investigation into a magnetic nanoparticle-based molecular diagnostic assay
71 of 100
Nanometrology using time-resolved fluorescence techniques
72 of 100
Phytomedical studies on the Amazonian traditional medicine "Chuchuguasa" (Maytenus laevis Reissek)
73 of 100
The role of water distribution systems in the enrichment of antimicrobial resistance
74 of 100
Environmental forensics of coal tar using two dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS)
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Grounding grid design for high voltage substations : an assessment of effectiveness for lightning currents
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Design and analysis of inflatable space structures
77 of 100
The effect of unsteady sea conditions on tidal stream turbine loads and durability
78 of 100
A biomechanical evaluation of three prosthetic feet
79 of 100
Essays in spatial panel econometrics
80 of 100
Development of bioprocesses for the production of biocatalysts used in the synthesis of amino acids and amines
81 of 100
Prehistoric heroes in Victorian fiction : the antiquity of man and the evolutionary human
82 of 100
Sexual violence as a weapon of war : ensuring effective redress for victims in post-conflict situations
83 of 100
Data-driven methodologies for bearing vibration analysis and vibration based fault diagnosis
84 of 100
Interfering of two tandem cylinders undergoing VIV : mathematical modelling and experiments
85 of 100
Fatigue load monitoring of offshore wind turbine support structures
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Theoretical underpinnings of overgeneral autobiographical memory and the relationship between rumination and executive control in adolescence
87 of 100
Novel formulation strategies to overcome poorly water soluble compounds
88 of 100
Peridynamics and its applications in marine structures
89 of 100
The representation of autistic spectrum disorder in fictional film and television from 2000 to 2013
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High performance pattern matching and data remanence on graphics processing units
91 of 100
Simultaneous detection of multiple explosives using surface enhanced Raman scattering
92 of 100
Using implementation intentions to reduce drivers' speeding behaviour
93 of 100
Modelling the static properties of ions under different charge distributions
94 of 100
Updating RDF in the semantic web
95 of 100
Understanding Thai sentencing culture
96 of 100
An experimental investigation on the micromechanics of non-active clays in saturated and partially saturated states
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Sustainable cross-couplings for pharmaceutical scale-up using aryldiazonium salts
98 of 100
Pressure-induced encapsulation a novel route to load pharmaceuticals
99 of 100
Urban morphometrics: towards a quantitative science of urban form
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