删除限定条件 日期: 2017
删除限定条件 资源类型: http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_db06
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Heavy metal inducible antimicrobial activity of streptomyces spp. isolated from the Leadhills and Wanlockhead lead mines in Scotland, Uk
1 of 100
A study of the mechanism of hydrophilic interaction chromatography and its application in the analysis of medical drugs and metabolites
2 of 100
Partial discharge ageing of polymer insulation under combined AC and DC stress at elevated temperatures
3 of 100
Dynamics of trust in the employment relationship
4 of 100

Towards a space/nature syntax : the influence of spatial configuration and a view of nature on social interaction, with Arcosanti, Arizona, USA, as case study
5 of 100
Social identity in Shakespeare's plays : a quantitative study
6 of 100
Convex hulls of planar random walks
7 of 100
Development and deployment of dynamic reconfiguration capabilities in the telecommunications sector
8 of 100
Conceptualising the antecedents of employee intentions to transfer training to the job : an application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in health education institutions
9 of 100
Nonlinear control : an LPV nonlinear predictive generalised minimum variance perspective
10 of 100
Feeder reconfiguration on distribution network considering harmonics
11 of 100
'Not our jobs to sell' - workforce mobilization, deindustrialisation and resistance to plant closure : Scottish female factory occupations, 1981-1982
12 of 100
A data analytic approach to automatic fault diagnosis and prognosis for distribution automation
13 of 100
Stick with me! : how effective and lasting helping relationships support the educational experience of children looked after at home in Scotland
14 of 100
Highlandism : its value to Scotland and how a queen and two aristocratic women promoted the phenomenon in the Victorian age
15 of 100
Control of crystalline particle properties by spray drying
16 of 100
Faults as episodic conduits for hydrocarbons, CO2 and groundwater in sandstones
17 of 100
Novel diode laser absorption techniques for combustion diagnostics
18 of 100
Empirical analyses on international investments
19 of 100
Antimicrobial 405 nm light for clinical decontamination : investigation of the antiviral efficacy and potential for bacterial tolerance
20 of 100
Using high resolution mass spectrometry to profile impurities in drugs from different sources
21 of 100
Peak-ratio analysis method for enhancement of LOM protection using M class PMUs
22 of 100
Investigation into the relationship between blunt impacts and bruising
23 of 100
Novel amorphous silica and silica xerogels for the adsorption of organic pollutants from water
24 of 100
Non-Newtonian effects and Taylor-Aris despersion in rivulet flow
25 of 100
Non-thermal plasma for water treatment
26 of 100
The 'crises in education' : children and counter-modernity in Hegel, Benjamin, Adorno, and Arendt
27 of 100
Dynamics of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions
28 of 100
Use of direct oral anticoagulants in Scotland
29 of 100
Institutional and individual barriers of e-learning adoption in higher education in Oman : academics' perspectives
30 of 100
Media representations of gender in the Scottish public sphere in the context of the 2014 independence referendum
31 of 100
Development of an objective method for the comparison of fired projectiles using an air pistol as a template
32 of 100
Advanced signal processing solutions for ATR and spectrum sharing in distributed radar systems
33 of 100
Essays on stock market openness, cost of capital and investment
34 of 100
The informal funding market for new businesses in the United Kingdom
35 of 100
Socio-technical architectural model of collaborative engineering design
36 of 100
Multi-technology offshore wind power systems : control and dynamic performance assessment
37 of 100
Essays on global value chains
38 of 100
Evaluating the impact of pro environmental energy policy in Scotland and the UK : the case of increased efficiency in household energy use
39 of 100
Strategies for wireless networked control systems
40 of 100
Development of the C-methyltransferases NovO and CouO for biocatalytic Friedel-Crafts alkylation
41 of 100
Experimental and computational studies on the role of single electron transfer in selected organic reactions
42 of 100
Studies and improvement of molecular docking methods in rigid and flexible receptors
43 of 100
Mechanistic pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic modelling of acute inflammatory challenge models
44 of 100
Finite element and experimental evaluation of injection forging for the forming of automotive fasteners
45 of 100
New approaches to real time monitoring of bio-manufacturing processes
46 of 100
Mitochondrial regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration in atherogenesis and re-stenosis
47 of 100
Electrodeposition of copper using additive-containing low metal ion concentration electrolytes for EnFACE applications
48 of 100
Chemoselective Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling enabled by speciation control
49 of 100
DC-DC converter designs for medium and high voltage direct current systems
50 of 100
Effect of Crotalus ruber ruber and Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma venoms on the dissemination of A2780 ovarian cancer cells in vitro
51 of 100
Stability and dynamics of anti-surfactant solutions
52 of 100
A study of the metabolism and metabolomics of polyphenols using isolated rat hepatocytes and liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry
53 of 100
Financial sustainability of public Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan
54 of 100
Supply chain risk management : exploring an integrated process for managing interdependent risks and risk mitigation strategies
55 of 100
Exploiting cooperative effects in s-Block organometallics for new applications in synthesis and catalysis
56 of 100
Self-organized magnetization patterns in cold atoms
57 of 100
Legal aspects of transmission of digital assets on death
58 of 100
Formulating test oracles via anomaly detection techniques
59 of 100
Investigation and improvement of Wells turbine performance : fluid analysis & 2nd law of thermodynamics study
60 of 100
The influence of assistant grade nurses on the clinical development of student mental health nurses : a phenomenological study
61 of 100
The effect of weather and climate change on the operation of meshed power networks
62 of 100
Hybrid GaN-based optoelectronics for visible light communications
63 of 100
Advancing alkali metal dihydropyridine chemistry : syntheses, structures and applications
64 of 100
Secure decentralised storage networks
65 of 100
Modelling changes in the growth, maturity, and abundance of fish in Scottish waters
66 of 100
Libyan Propolis : a comprehensive chemical, in vitro biological investigation and metabolomic profiling of antiprotozoal activity
67 of 100
Optimisation of ozone generation using dielectric barrier discharge
68 of 100
Regenerating the strength of thermally recycled glass fibres using chemical treatments
69 of 100
A study of the metallurgical and mechanical property variability in a dual phase low alloy material
70 of 100
"Doing" gender in a rural Scottish secondary school : a case study
71 of 100
Development and control of pharmaceutical solids using extrusion and granulation
72 of 100
Bifibrational parametricity : from zero to two dimensions
73 of 100
Advanced algorithms for polynomial matrix eigenvalue decomposition
74 of 100
Methodologies for the analysis of value from delay-tolerant inter-satellite networking
75 of 100
Examination of IKKα inhibitors as novel anti-panceatic cancer drugs
76 of 100
The audiovisual translation and audience reception of satire : Extras, a case study
77 of 100
Bacterial ion effects and their relation to salt tolerance
78 of 100
Intra-pulse dynamics of laser-driven ion acceleration in ultra-thin foils
79 of 100
Understanding the independent and combinatory effects of radiation therapy and doxorubicin on endothelial cell function : the role of JNK
80 of 100
Production and characterisation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) hollow fibre membranes for gas separation applications
81 of 100
Development of a microbially induced calcite and silica bio-grout for the sealing of fine aperture fractures
82 of 100
Computational fluid dynamics study of erosion processes
83 of 100
A multi-objective transmission reinforcement planning approach for analysing future energy scenarios in the GB network
84 of 100
Studies on organic electron donors and their applications in chemistry
85 of 100
Knowledge management in innovative technology companies : the case of the energy sector
86 of 100
A tissue-engineered approach to hernia repair
87 of 100
A distance adaptable brain-computer interface based on steady-state visual evoked potential
88 of 100
Communications for CubeSat networks and fractionalised spacecraft
89 of 100
Strategic human resource development maturity : an investigation into Greek banks at the time of the economic crisis
90 of 100
Advances in tunable diode laser spectroscopy for aero engine research
91 of 100
Directing the self-assembly of short peptide derivatives
92 of 100
Design, microfabrication and characterisation of Photonic Integrated Circuits
93 of 100
The effects of snake venoms as cytotoxins on selected prostate cancer cell lines
94 of 100
On the protection of compact DC power systems with high-power energy storage
95 of 100
The development of a remotely expandable anastomosis device for use in paediatric cardiothoracic surgery
96 of 100
Novel methods for improving fault protection & health management within advanced aircraft electrical power systems
97 of 100
Internet crowdsourcing for generative design
98 of 100
The classical simulation of noisy quantum computers : a polyhedral approach
99 of 100
Things we'll never say out loud : an extended extract of part one and part two of a novel-in-progress, and an accompanying critical dissertation
100 of 100