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Department of Accounting and Finance
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Empirical analyses on international investments
1 of 100
Awareness, practices and treatment of extra-role behaviour (ERB) in performance measurement systems (PMS) of Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SME)
2 of 100
A descriptive theory of the big accounting firm
3 of 100
Corporate governance in the UK post-Cadbury
4 of 100
Essays on stock market openness, cost of capital and investment
5 of 100
A phenomenon of the critical factors of accounting information system (AIS) effectiveness
6 of 100
The effect of corporate social responsibility on firm's foreign direct investement
7 of 100
Opening the black box of the health technology assessment process at NICE
8 of 100
Ownership characteristics and earnings quality, the moderating effect of institutional settings
9 of 100
The time-variation in style effects in the UK stock market
10 of 100
How lender-specific factors affect their covenant negotiation strategies
11 of 100
The market reaction to convertible bond issues and the determinants of bookrunner selection
12 of 100
The impact of sub-optimal international portfolio allocations on cost of capital, stock market development and investor protection standards
13 of 100
Intangibles in a venture capital setting
14 of 100
Intangible flow theory, operating intangibility and other economic characteristics of firms
15 of 100
What is the value of risk to bridging finance
16 of 100
Decision-making in defined contribution pension plans
17 of 100
Survival risk and liquidity risk involving hedge fund
18 of 100
The profitability of equity trading strategies
19 of 100
Essays on conditional volatility in asset returns
20 of 100
Modelling the probability distribution of the time series stock price changes in the U.K. market
21 of 100
Essays on private investments in public equity
22 of 100
Diversity in the board of directors and earnings quality: the moderating effect of board roles
23 of 100
Empirical risk management in emerging markets
24 of 100
Foreign direct investment in an unsettling economic and socio-political environment
25 of 100
Investment benchmarks for alternative asset classes
26 of 100
The social impacts of enterprise resource planning systems’ change in Egypt : a case of multinational company
27 of 100
Acquirers' gains, implications of information asymmetry, value of cash and capital controls
28 of 100
Executives' characteristics and corporate policies
29 of 100
Herding and systemic risk in banking sector
30 of 100
The market impact of European mergers and joint ventures on share prices of U.K. PLCs
31 of 100
The choice of debt source for UK companies
32 of 100
A stated preference approach to the choice of financial reporting regimes and techniques
33 of 100
An empirical evaluation of fixed income fund performance : new evidence across alternative methods
34 of 100
The effect of social capital on firm risk, market valuation and risk shifting incentives
35 of 100
Anomalies in the foreign exchange returns and implied volatilities
36 of 100
Hedge funds : regulation, activism and corporate decisions
37 of 100
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions : political relationship, constraints and prior experience
38 of 100
Empirical investigations of foreign equity investments in an emerging market
39 of 100
The impact of accounting on our everyday lives
40 of 100
FinTech versus traditional bank lending to small businesses
41 of 100
Exploring accountability issues in Chinese SMEs’ accounting practices
42 of 100
Beyond the pail : accounts of life with(in) water
43 of 100
Implications of corporate political connections: evidence from campaign contributions in the United States
44 of 100
The challenges facing Pasar accountability
45 of 100
Corporate borrowing and investment decisions under regulatory and climate risk
46 of 100
Impact of CSR dimensions on firm value
47 of 100
Complex corporate ownership and control in UK listed companies
48 of 100
Essays on patent value
49 of 100
An analysis of corporate restructuring in the UK
50 of 100
Goodwill impairment recognition and value relevance: the role of the extended audit report in the UK
51 of 100
Stakeholder mapping, interaction, and incorporation in the network of accountability relationships: A case study
52 of 100
Essays on institutional investors
53 of 100
On the financialisation of commodity markets
54 of 100
Exploring the extent and nature of principal-agent theory in charitable organisations
55 of 100
Value-added and sustainability reporting : leveraging on conventional accounting practices for accountability and information decision usefulness – a case study of South Africa
56 of 100
Deferred executive compensation and double-layered principal-principal conflicts
57 of 100
UK closed-end country funds : illiquidity, sentiment and segmentation
58 of 100

Changing perceptions of security in the Scottish bridging finance market : the case of Munro Bridging Finance
59 of 100
Earnings management and forecast accuracy : a study of Malaysian initial public offerings
60 of 100
The long-run share price performance of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) : evidence from UK equity rights issues 1986-1995
61 of 100
Corporate financial decisions : alternative sources and uses
62 of 100
Foreign reserves strategic asset allocation : a Bayesian approach
63 of 100
An analysis of the primary corporate bond distribution process : building an orderbook, selecting bookrunners and determining allocations
64 of 100
Theorising engagement and agency : social accounting for unpaid care in Scotland
65 of 100
Exploring accounting and accountability in scottish salmon farming : an industry in crisis. The importance of risk perception, risk communication and reflexivity
66 of 100
Managerial incentives and corporate acquisitions : evidence from the US
67 of 100
Price performance and Egyptian stock market efficiency : an intial public offerings perspective
68 of 100
Earnings Quality (EQ), Islamic Social Disclosure (ISCR), and on the association between EQ & ISCR : empirical evidence from Malaysian public listed companies
69 of 100
Corporate benchmarking : the case of Libyan manufacturing organisations
70 of 100
The (re-)construction of accountability : discursive space, Habitus, and reflexivity
71 of 100
IFRS, financial reporting approach, earnings attributes and value relevance of intangible assets : empirical evidence from the U.K
72 of 100
Voluntary disclosure in a European emerging capital market : the case of the Athens stock exchange
73 of 100
Authentic, strategic and symbolic stakeholder engagement : an evaluation of CSR and accountability practices in Malaysian unit trust industry
74 of 100
Purpose and gift : resisting vocational capture in accounting education - the story from one Scottish university
75 of 100
Determinants and dynamics of capital structure in the UK : a methodological comparison approach
76 of 100
Theorising bank governance : the case of Mexico
77 of 100
The relevance of international accounting standards for developing countries : the case of IAS 41 in Thailand
78 of 100
Operational auditing practices in western developed countries : implications for government audit in the state of Kuwait
79 of 100
Relating impression management to behavioural theory : the case of the preliminary announcement
80 of 100
Studies on stock index futures pricing : a UK perspective
81 of 100
Portfolio performance evaluation : a study of UK unit trusts
82 of 100
Executive compensation, capital structure, payouts and cash holdings : evidence of UK panel data
83 of 100
The importance of company and asset characteristics in the use of leasing finance in the United Kingdom : An investigation
84 of 100
Corporate discipline and firm financial decisions : evidence from regulatory reforms
85 of 100
High quality financial reporting : the case of the Nairobi Stock Exchange
86 of 100
Cultural theory, social arena, accountingisation and value-based organisations : exploring risk perceptions and risk reporting of statutory organisations in Malaysia
87 of 100
How corporate tax affects leverage, leasing and systematic risk : Evidence from the UK corporation tax reform of 1984
88 of 100
A critical contextual analysis of academic performance measurement : a Chinese case
89 of 100
Diversification, financial performance and the destruction of corporate value? : an application of fuzzy set analysis
90 of 100
An evaluation of corporate governance disclosure : evidence from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
91 of 100
Implementation of international financial reporting standards : case study in Vietnam
92 of 100
The design of corporate debt : Evidence from eurobond issues made by UK companies
93 of 100
Exploring theoretical explanations of voluntary disclosure by quantitative and qualitative investigation : evidence from Malaysia
94 of 100
The political economy of accounting change : the case of Albania
95 of 100
An analysis of firm life cycle and financial distress : evidence from UK divestitures
96 of 100
Essays on financial constraints : text analysis and social network analysis
97 of 100
Technological green innovation and financial markets
98 of 100
Factoring socially responsible investment strategy preferences: an investigation based on Chinese individual investors
99 of 100
Corporate investment, capital structure and (reversed) debt overhang: a comparative analysis of Chinese, U.S., and global markets
100 of 100