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Constrained adaptive natural gradient algorithms for adaptive array processing
1 di 20
Extensions of the hit-or-miss transform for feature detection in noisy images and a novel design tool for estimating its parameters
2 di 20
Congestion management and LMP
3 di 20
Voltage and pH monitoring of electrochemical cells
4 di 20
Applications of programmable MEMS micromirrors in laser systems
5 di 20
Partial discharge ageing of polymer insulation under combined AC and DC stress at elevated temperatures
6 di 20
Modelling techniques for 1-3 composite transducers
7 di 20
Advances in tunable diode laser spectroscopy using residual amplitude modulation techniques
8 di 20
Acoustic-based machine learning diagnostic tool for voice disorders
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A new approach to partial discharge measurements for testing electrical insulation systems
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Control and operation of offshore wind farms connected with diode rectifier HVDC systems
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Dynamic analysis of a spar-type offshore floating wind turbine and its mooring system
12 di 20
A new method for harmonic penetration study in power networks with renewable generation
13 di 20
Model-based optimisation approaches for system energy performance improvement and evaluation
14 di 20
Nonlinear control : an LPV nonlinear predictive generalised minimum variance perspective
15 di 20
Feeder reconfiguration on distribution network considering harmonics
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Development of high power fibre amplifier components, systems and applications
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Accelerated gradient techniques and adaptive signal processing
18 di 20
Pulsed electric field treatment of Arthrospira platensis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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Novel methods for enhancing accuracy and stability of power hardware-in-the-loop simulations
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