Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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Optimisation of large-scale offshore wind farms considering turbine layout, cable layout, and co-located energy storage systems
1 of 100
Miniaturization of light-sheet microscopy systems using MEMS as active optical elements
2 of 100
Efficient designs for LiFi system
3 of 100
Modeling and stability analysis of nine phase induction machine for hybrid generation
4 of 100
Dynamic interactions between voltage and frequency events in future power systems
5 of 100
Wind farm high frequency electrical resonances : impedance-based stability analysis and mitigation techniques
6 of 100
Design, implementation, and applications of a novel isolated D2 dc to dc converter
7 of 100
Thermal aging investigations of medium-voltage extruded power cables
8 of 100
Power converter controlled as a synchronous machine with fault ride through capability
9 of 100
On transient electric field and ionisation phenomena in gas and at dielectric interfaces under impulsive energisation
10 of 100
Power plant investment appraisal : electric industry and economic growth nexus
11 of 100
Electromagnetic modelling of a tokamak fusion reactor magnet system using 2G High-temperature superconductors
12 of 100
How is cumulative seabird displacement from offshore wind farms assessed and verified, and what does current and future cumulative displacement look like?
13 of 100
A study of small signal stability in power systems with converters
14 of 100
Power aggregation business models, prices and consumer behaviour : an agent based modelling approach
15 of 100
Electrical fault management orientated design of future electrical propulsion aircraft
16 of 100
Multilevel voltage source converters in high voltage direct current transmission systems
17 of 100
Automatic edema segmentation and quantification from cardiac MRI with 3D visualization
18 of 100
Multi-modality feature fusion and unsupervised hyperspectral band selection for effective classification of remote sensing images
19 of 100
Location fingerprinting for IoT systems using machine learning
20 of 100
Inspection at inaccessible locations using medium-range guided waves
21 of 100
Architectures for securing low-cost IoT
22 of 100
Considerations for an in-process ultrasonic phased array inspection method for narrow gap welds
23 of 100
Novel hybrid HVDC system for resilient and efficient operation of offshore wind farms
24 of 100
Optimisation of generators for direct drive offshore wind turbines
25 of 100
Investigation of surface discharge along interface between liquid and nanocomposite
26 of 100
Improvement of heat-led CHPs based upon ORC-technology
27 of 100
Cellular MIMO Networks (CeMNets) : the channel modelling, decomposition and information theoretic perspectives
28 of 100
Snap : A distributed authentication protocol
29 of 100
Addressing sustainability of off grid power in developing countries : a case study of Malawi
30 of 100
Inactivation of foodborne pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms by 405 nm light : an investigation into potential decontamination applications
31 of 100
Multi-technology offshore wind power systems : control and dynamic performance assessment
32 of 100
Rethinking ducted turbines : the fundamentals of aerodynamic performance and theory
33 of 100
Antimicrobial 405 nm light for clinical decontamination : investigation of the antiviral efficacy and potential for bacterial tolerance
34 of 100
Research mini-projects : 1. Probabilistic forecasting of maximum wave height ; 2. Optimal sizing and operation of battery storage at ray wind farm
35 of 100
Grounding grid design for high voltage substations : an assessment of effectiveness for lightning currents
36 of 100
The economic losses of power quality disturbance : different perspectives of cost models
37 of 100
Recurrent neurofuzzy system with GA-based algorithm for power systems planning and reinforcement
38 of 100
Economic aspects of intelligent network selection : a game-theoretic approach
39 of 100
Wavelength modulation spectroscopy with tunable diode lasers : a calibration-free approach to the recovery of absolute gas absorption line-shapes
40 of 100
Enhanced frequency control for greater decentralisation and distributed operation of power systems : design to laboratory validation
41 of 100
Maximising wind farm connections : an investigation of novel voltage management and principles of access techniques in active distribution networks
42 of 100
Nonlinear control : an LPV nonlinear predictive generalised minimum variance perspective
43 of 100
Machine analysis : being a study of the application of the finite element method for solving the two-dimensional field of the single-phase shaded-pole induction motor
44 of 100
On ultrasound elastography : simulation, experiment, and algorithm development
45 of 100
Biologically inspired acoustic systems : from insect ears to MEMS microphone structures
46 of 100
The optical sensor mote : a novel device for enabling next generation Wireless Sensor Networks
47 of 100
Analysis and design of FIR multirate filter banks
48 of 100
Directional hearing at the micro-scale : bio-inspired sound localization
49 of 100
Video analytics algorithms and distributed solutions for smart video surveillance
50 of 100
Modeling, analysis, and design of residential energy saving strategies: a systematic investigation of individual and social network influences
51 of 100
Coping with through life fast jet upgrades : towards a decentralised electrical system
52 of 100
Analysis and practical assessment of converter-dominated power systems : stability constraints, dynamic performance and power quality
53 of 100
Electrostatic precipitation of fine airborne particles and biological decontamination : efficiency and energy consumption tendencies
54 of 100
Breakdown properties of mineral oil and ester based TiO₂ and BN nanofluids
55 of 100
Wind turbine blade leading edge erosion : an investigation of rain droplet and hailstone impact induced damage mechanisms
56 of 100
Analogue and Digital Systems Design (Introductory VHDL and FPGA Design) EE325 exam papers
57 of 100
Energy storage systems EE994 exam papers
58 of 100
Embedded systems design EE880 exam papers
59 of 100
Wind energy and distributed energy resources 1 EE877 exam papers
60 of 100
Power electronics devices drives and machines 1 EE866 Exam Papers
61 of 100
Power Electronic Principles EE875 Exam Papers
62 of 100
Digital electronic systems EM270 exam papers
63 of 100
5G Communication Networks EE991 exam papers
64 of 100
Power Electronics, Machines and Applications EE966 exam papers
65 of 100
Principles of High Voltage Technology EE874 Exam Papers
66 of 100
Solar energy systems EE993 exam papers
67 of 100
Deep learning for wireless communications : flexible architectures and multitask learning
68 of 100

Decarbonising heat and transport : impacts on local electricity systems
69 of 100
Demand side self-scheduling under dynamic pricing uncertainty
70 of 100
Effective image enhancement and fast object detection for improved UAV applications
71 of 100
Dielectric exploration and PD detection in high voltage insulation
72 of 100
A simulation-based optimisation method to evaluate dynamic compensators for the improvement of LCC-HVDC performance in high source impedance power systems
73 of 100
An active protection scheme for fault isolation and post-fault recovery in microgrids
74 of 100
Investigation of 405-nm light as a pathogen reduction technology for human blood plasma : evaluation of antimicrobial action & protein compatibility
75 of 100
Characterising network asset uncertainty on distribution networks
76 of 100
The partial frequency energy converter : a novel device for low-frequency offshore wind electricity transmission
77 of 100
Control and operation of Solid-State Transformer (SST) in distribution network
78 of 100
Automated, scalable robotic NDT inspections of unknown free form parts
79 of 100
Unmanned aerial vehicles for contact-based inspection
80 of 100
Enhanced static voltage stability and short circuit monitoring performance and optimization of future onshore AC power systems
81 of 100
Monitoring of prestressed concrete structures in a nuclear power plant with fibre Bragg grating systems
82 of 100
Uncovering the predominant factors influencing the transient stability margin in power systems with increasing renewable generation using interpretable machine learning
83 of 100
Analysis and development of power quality metrics for railway electric networks
84 of 100
Restricted structure non-linear generalized minimum variance control
85 of 100
Maximum power point tracking and control of grid interfacing PV systems
86 of 100
The use of direct current distribution systems in delivering scalable charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles
87 of 100
Low-rate non-intrusive load monitoring approaches via graph signal processing
88 of 100
Applications of machine learning in diagnostics and prognostics of wind turbine high speed generator failure
89 of 100
Elasticity mapping for breast cancer diagnosis using tactile imaging and auxiliary sensor fusion
90 of 100
Development of a microfluidic platform for multicellular tumour spheroid assays
91 of 100
Spatio-temporal prediction of wind fields
92 of 100
Design and implementation of an efficient solar powered irrigation management system for drip irrigated maize field
93 of 100
PID controller tuning methods for process industry applications
94 of 100
UHF monitoring of partial discharges in high voltage transformers
95 of 100
Grid integration of renewable power generation
96 of 100
Design of a model floating wind turbine to measure the coupled response to wind and wave action & Investigation of the feasibility of wind turbine blade inspection by remote drones
97 of 100
Medium-voltage PWM indirect vector controlled induction motor drive with a long motor feeder
98 of 100
Risk assessment due to load demand and electricity price forecast uncertainty
99 of 100
Development of biomimetic MEMS microphones inspired by Ormia Ochracea working in audio range
100 of 100