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Consumer policy - a network/political economy perspective : an application of the new macro-relational consumer policy framework to study the evolutionary dynamics of the policy community for the Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) consumer issue in Canada
1 of 100
Consuming Kate : unpacking the feminine ideologies surrounding the celebrity princess brand
2 of 100
Strategic analysis of organisational decision-making as the interface between corporate idiosyncracies and the adoption of technological innovations : the case of business information systems
3 of 100
The relationships between market orientation, supplier partnership, environmental factors and firm performance in Indonesian retail firms
4 of 100
Understanding Muslim consumers' acceptance of self-service technologies
5 of 100
Competitive marketing strategy : a study of competitive performance in the British car market
6 of 100
Online fashion shopping experiences : web atmospherics and consumer's emotions
7 of 100
Rethinking brand management : a cultural perspective on brand iconicity and identity politics
8 of 100
Footsteps into the forgotten : consuming obsolescence
9 of 100
The nature of corporate identity : an explanatory study undertaken within BBC Scotland
10 of 100
Message variation and source credibility in advertising
11 of 100
Strategy development in Globalising markets : the case of Norwegian small and medium sized firms
12 of 100
Drawing the line : understanding privacy concern, privacy literacy and trust influences on online social network privacy boundaries
13 of 100
Marketing hotel operations : an investigation into the marketing behaviour of national and international chain affiliated hotels operating in Egypt
14 of 100
A study of switching behaviours in the B2B service sector
15 of 100
Competitive advantage, corporate strategy, and the Internationalisation of Chinese state-owned manufacturing enterprises
16 of 100
The influences of geographical co-location and social networking in inter-firm cooperation in marketing : A cross country analysis
17 of 100
Brand promise delivery from the customer-interface : employees' persepective
18 of 100
Marketing strategy in the State trading organisations in Iraq
19 of 100
Competitive marketing strategy : a study of Japanese firms' competitive performance in the British market
20 of 100
The strategic management of technology as a source of competitive advantage in small high tech firms
21 of 100
An examination of value co-creation at the micro level in a healthcare setting : a dyadic approach
22 of 100
An investigation into the market entry mode decisions of international retailers in the developing Nigerian market : an institutional and transaction cost perspective
23 of 100
Foreign direct investment in developing countries : an analysis of the determinants, impact, policies and organisation with specific reference to the case of Egypt
24 of 100
A new model of living the brand : the emergence and impact of brand value aligned behaviour in social banks
25 of 100
Exploring how brands are built in small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
26 of 100
Explicating natural-resource-based view capabilities : a dynamic framework for innovative sustainable supply chain management in UK agri-food
27 of 100
Understanding tourists' holiday destination choices through the construct of perceived value
28 of 100
Marketing of tourism : an investigation of the application of marketing concepts and practices in promoting Egypt as a tourist destination in Britain and Ireland
29 of 100
An investigation of antecedents to social media engagement behaviours
30 of 100
Trading Off : a grounded theory of pharmaceutical decision-making
31 of 100
Value co-creation : exploring the effects of collaborating with a pro-active generation of customers
32 of 100
The role of legal and managerial competences in the delivery of professional legal services
33 of 100
The managerial and organisational approaches for marketing imported fruit and vegetables within the UK
34 of 100
Determinants of technological innovation : an exploratory study of the Asia-Pacific rim electronics manufacturing industry
35 of 100
Value (co-)creation in third-party logistics outsourcing relationships
36 of 100
The adoption of the marketing concept in the Iraqi food industry
37 of 100
Customers' behavioural contribution to the service encounter
38 of 100
The social construction of advertising : a discourse analytic approach to crreative advertising development as a feature of marketing communications management
39 of 100
Consumers' perceptions and selections of domestic vs. foreign airlines in the Arabian Gulf region : a survey among teachers in Qatar
40 of 100
Joint ventures in the Peoples's Republic of China
41 of 100
Marketing in a social context : an interpretive approach to behaviour change after a stimulus of illness
42 of 100
How firms learn about new product development in their business networks
43 of 100
Personal legitimising : a substantive grounded theory in the context of small consultancy firms
44 of 100
Open innovation adoption from strategy to practice : implications from organizational ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities
45 of 100
The use of social media by exporting B2B SMEs : implications for performance
46 of 100
Key marketing factors in SMEs' international market entry mode choice
47 of 100
Multiple channel integration process : contribution to firm-customer relationships : case study of a UK retail bank
48 of 100
Firm-specific determinants of success for small high technology international start-ups : a performance study of UK and US firms
49 of 100
Corporate brand reputation management : an intraorganisational study on the role of service employees and on-brand corporate cultures
50 of 100
Strategic alliances motivations, management and international competitiveness : the British experience, 1980-1989
51 of 100
Consuming Lourdes : an ethnographic investigation into the consumption of religious pilgrimage, with specific focus upon the Catholic sanctuary of Lourdes, France
52 of 100
International technology transfer : the case of licensing in Nigeria
53 of 100
Marketing strategies of small companies with particular reference to the textile industry in Egypt as an Islamic developing country
54 of 100
Evaluating the credibility of online consumer reviews during a simulation of an active purchase decision
55 of 100
International expansion of small high technology based firms : the role of external linkages in international growth and development
56 of 100
The significance of ethnic ties and entrepreneurial networks in the internationalization of the firm : case study : the internationalization of UK Indian enterprises
57 of 100
Small firm strategic alliances : the UK hotel industry
58 of 100
An exploration of the processes and implications of strategic alliances and supplier partnerships : A theoretical synthesis
59 of 100
Antecedents, policies and practices of promotional standardisation strategy : a comparison of British MNC's and advertising agencies in three countries across the European Union
60 of 100
The impact of foreign direct investment upon parent companies' competitiveness : an empirical study on Singaporean industrial multinational enterprises
61 of 100
The role of government in small-firm internationalisation : a comparative study of export promotion in Finland, Ireland and Norway, with specific reference to the computer software industry
62 of 100
Achieving competitive advantage in financial services through a strategic alignment of Relationship Marketing and Human Resource Management
63 of 100
Response to foreign investment regulations in Nigeria : the bargaining power model
64 of 100
The gradation of destination loyalty : a discussion on destination loyalty with the integration of theories of place attachment and existential authenticity
65 of 100
Reputation interrupted : microblog eWOM brand image disruptions in a shareworthy world
66 of 100
The analysis of consumers' decision-making style dimensions across different product classes
67 of 100
The international marketing of educational services : implications for long-term policy planning
68 of 100
A study of consumers' identity construction within food culture
69 of 100
Unpacking visitor engagement : examining drivers of engagement in museums
70 of 100
Alliances and acquisitions : the selection process in the civil airline industry
71 of 100
Canadian SMEs, export barriers and the internet
72 of 100
Exploring leaders' strategies for managing negative emotions of sales people
73 of 100
Investigating the impact of strategic brand management on export performance in the B2B context
74 of 100
The strategic value of pioneering as a strategy and pioneering advantages in the context of FMCG brands entering new geographic markets
75 of 100
The grey market and the service encounter : an investigation of satisfiers, dissatisfiers and complaining behaviour
76 of 100
Willingness to pay for customized solutions in a B2B environment : evaluating different buying groups based on a maintenance case study
77 of 100
The management of customer feedback in the development of service orientation in the public sector
78 of 100
Entrepreneurial orientation and marketing capabilities : a study on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the United Kingdom
79 of 100
Innovation in a high technology B2B context : exploring networks, processes and management
80 of 100
The contribution of market orientation to business success in the Libyan transitional economy : a mixed-methods approach
81 of 100
The process and influence of tobacco marketing communications on young people : a qualitative and quantitative study
82 of 100
Mind stretching : a grounded theory for enhancing organisational creativity
83 of 100
Virtual globals - marketspace and the internationalism of small technology-based firms
84 of 100
Factors associated with successful exporters : empirical evidence from Malaysia
85 of 100
A human interaction approach to networking capabilities and international opportunity enactment : an exploration of German high-technology manufacturing SMEs
86 of 100
The generative routine dynamics of internship/work placements : an exploration of process dynamics facilitating knowledge creating
87 of 100
Investigation into the dynamics of the B2B service of Audience Development agencies
88 of 100
Analysing the critical influences on export entrepreneurship in a developing country environment : a focus on Nigerian manufacturing firms
89 of 100
"Talkin' 'Bout Regeneration" : exploring place consumption, consumer and spatial vulnerability in a neighbourhood community
90 of 100
Culture and consumer behaviour : the influence of culture on family planning behaviour in Malaysia
91 of 100
National and organisational cultures and the influences on cross-border post-acquisition management and performance
92 of 100
Framing practices, spaces and socialities of consumption in vintage
93 of 100
Perception and management of risk in the construction industry
94 of 100
Relationship governance: structure and performance in industrial markets
95 of 100
Constructing a practioner-based model of selecting celebrity endorsers
96 of 100
Search behaviour : an analysis of information collection and usage during the decision process
97 of 100
International strategic alliances in the UK fresh produce industry
98 of 100
Examining the online customer experience during a utilitarian search for online business advisory information and services
99 of 100
International opportunity enactment by small and medium sized enterprises in the UK
100 of 100