Department of Physics
删除限定条件 部门,学校或学院: Department of Physics
删除限定条件 类型: Thesis
删除限定条件 资源类型: http://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_db06
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Radiation reaction in strong fields from an alternative perspective
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Hybrid GaN/organic device fabrication by inkjet printing
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Spontaneous fibril formation in eumelanin synthesised from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
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New optical techniques and hardware for studying live cell dynamics
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Studies of biofluid analysis using 2D-IR spectroscopy
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Nonlinear optical effects in cold atomic gases
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Scaled experimental and numerical investigations of auroral radiation phenomena
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Coherent control of Rydberg atoms using sub-kHz linewidth excitation lasers
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Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy investigation of DNA-ligand interactions
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Broadly tuneable crystalline Raman lasers
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Laser-driven proton beams : mechanisms for spectral control and efficiency enhancement
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Micro-scale processing of diamond structures and devices
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Trace gas spectrometry using quantum cascade lasers
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High performance III-nitride light-emitting diodes for visible light communications and micro-displays
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Bremsstrahlung radiation and fast electron transport in laser-plasma interactions
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Micro- and nano-soft lithography for the fabrication of photonic devices
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Novel techniques in free electron lasers
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Control of the stability of pulsed 2 μm lasers
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Development of thermally efficient, ultrathin, diamond-based µLED neural implants for versatile optogenetics
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Gold nanorod based nanoprobes for biomedical applications
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Experimental demonstration of high-fidelity entanglement via Rydberg blockade
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Transfer printing of nitride based light emitting diodes
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Advanced technologies for spatio-temporal control of neural circuits using optogenetics
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Dynamics of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions
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A novel device for interrogation of neuron connectivity in acute brain slices
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Adiabatic processes, noise, and stochastic algorithms for quantum computing and quantum simulation
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High dimensional spatial entanglement with photon pairs
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Intracavity optical parametric oscillators based on orientation-patterned gallium arsenide
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Two-dimensional periodic surface lattice high power millimetre wave experiment
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Variations in modelled and measured hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance
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Dynamics and interactions of cavity solitons in photonic devices
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Characteristics of a cavity soliton laser based on a VCSEL with frequency selective feedback
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The morphology and kinematics of star forming regions
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On the role of entanglement in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems
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The spontaneous symmetry breaking of light in passive Kerr ring resonators
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Lysozyme encapsulated gold nanocluster for studying protein denaturation
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Developments for single molecule studies
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Modelling of solvation thermodynamics using a combination of reference intercation site model theory and multi-grid numerical methods
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Relationships between hydrological processes and remote sensing reflectance in tidally stirred shelf seas
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Fluorescence photophysics, characterisation and application of labelled glucose/galactose binding protein
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Laser action in solution-processed gain media
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Dynamics of impurities and trapped Bose-Einstein Condensates
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Applications of principal modes to imaging, control and surface enhancement in nanoparticles
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Self-organized magnetization patterns in cold atoms
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EMP mitigation and novel detection strategies for laser-plasma experiments
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generation and transport of high-current relativistic electron beams in high intensity laser-solid interactions
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Development and validation of numerical methods for predicting gyro-TWA performance
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Frequency modified feedback in external cavity semiconductor laser systems
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Accessing ultrafast protein dynamics through 2DIR spectroscopy of intrinsic ligand vibrations
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Measurements in quantum theory
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