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Advancing laser-driven ion acceleration : optimising with machine learning and investigating sources of instability
1 di 20
Microfluidic flow of colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals
2 di 20
New optical techniques and hardware for studying live cell dynamics
3 di 20
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of metal nanoparticle assembly in agarose and highly ordered metal nanorod arrays
4 di 20
Single-atom imaging of 40K atoms via raman sideband cooling
5 di 20
Studies of biofluid analysis using 2D-IR spectroscopy
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Coherent control of Rydberg atoms using sub-kHz linewidth excitation lasers
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Neural networks applied to ocean colour remote sensing for environmental monitoring
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Broadly tuneable crystalline Raman lasers
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High performance III-nitride light-emitting diodes for visible light communications and micro-displays
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Radiation reaction in strong fields from an alternative perspective
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Hybrid GaN/organic device fabrication by inkjet printing
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Trace gas spectrometry using quantum cascade lasers
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Bremsstrahlung radiation and fast electron transport in laser-plasma interactions
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Micro- and nano-soft lithography for the fabrication of photonic devices
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Gold nanorod based nanoprobes for biomedical applications
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Transfer printing of nitride based light emitting diodes
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The application of quantum cascade lasers to mid-infrared gas sensing
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Dynamics of quantum many-body systems with long-range interactions
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Novel optical communications and imaging enabled by CMOS interfaced LED technology
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