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Department of Psychology
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Physical and psychological factors in the use of mouthpiece force in trumpet playing
1 of 44
Looking at the relationship between prospective memory, executive functioning and obsessive compulsive behaviours
2 of 44
Is precision teaching a more beneficial learning and teaching methodology if it includes an added metacognitive motivation factor?
3 of 44
The psychological contract as an explanatory framework for the student experience at Sunderland Business School
4 of 44
Teachers' mastery experiences with children who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) as predictors of personal teaching efficacy and attitudes towards the inclusion of such children in mainstream education
5 of 44
The nature of boredom
6 of 44
Life events, stress and the consumption of heroin, alcohol and tobacco
7 of 44
Perceptuo-motor calibration and the perception of affordances following rapid growth in adolescence
8 of 44
Do poor sleepers make more risky decisions than good sleepers?
9 of 44
A metacognitive approach to teaching reading comprehension in the primary school classroom
10 of 44
Children's understanding of relevancy violations and theory of mind acquisition
11 of 44
In search of a method to predict dropout from alcohol treatment services
12 of 44
A randomised controlled study of the relative efficacy and mechanisms of action of cognitive-behavioural coping skills training CBST) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for smoking abstinence
13 of 44
Impaired social functioning in unipolar depression
14 of 44
The effects of interrogative pressure in simulated forensic interviews
15 of 44
The psycho-physical effects of daily physical education on pre-adolescent children
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A comparison of the effects of exercise and control sessions on cognitive task performance, anxiety, inhibition and affect
17 of 44
A study into the discussion skills of nursery school children
18 of 44
The functional effects of dietary restraint
19 of 44
Understanding the experience of posttraumatic growth following life threatening physical illness
20 of 44
Children's perception of safety and danger on the road
21 of 44
Improving children's literacy in areas of socio-economic disadvantage : the design and evaluation of a strategy to address underachievement and illiteracy
22 of 44
A longitudinal assessment of explanation and behaviour shift in alcohol users comparing two models of substance use
23 of 44
The social norms approach to alcohol misuse prevention : studies of intervention and methodology among Scottish secondary school pupils and university students
24 of 44
Parenting and executive function in children with and without ADHD symptoms
25 of 44
Cognitive mechanisms underlying perseveration on the Wisconsin card sorting test
26 of 44
Can the Baddeley and Hitch model of working memory account for learning to spell using multisensory spelling strategies?
27 of 44
Influencing information in forensic psychologists risk assessments : HCR-20
28 of 44
On being a 'music snob' : the role of distinctiveness in the musical preferences of adolescents and young adults
29 of 44
Children's performance on and understanding of the balance scale problem : the effects of adult support
30 of 44
Immunisation as an attachment measure : a feasibility study
31 of 44
Eye movements in relation to substance related stimuli : examination of relationships between attentional bias, craving and impulsivity
32 of 44
Minimal interventions for problem drinkers : a study of effectiveness and an analysis of the nurse's role
33 of 44
Attitudes towards digital piracy : the role of morality
34 of 44
Action planning : an online intervention to increase physical activity and the role of comprehensiveness of plans, intention, self-efficacy, optimism and coping styles
35 of 44
Measuring interrogative suggestibility : questions of reliability and validity
36 of 44
Working in groups within science and english secondary classrooms : examining the behaviour of pupils and teachers
37 of 44
The analysis of UK railway accidents and incidents : A comparison of their causal patterns
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Children's communication style in peer group interactions : variations according to temperament and sociometric status
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Seeking explanations about drug use : methodological issues around explaining self-reported drug behaviours
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Affective and cognitive empathy in conduct-disordered children : psychophysiological and cognitive underpinnings
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Stereotyping in addiction : an application of the Fishbein-Ajzen theory to heroin using behaviour
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Consumer psychology in behavioural perspective : an evaluation of the contribution of the experimental analysis of behaviour to consumer research
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Response promoting features of discussion list posts
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