Assessing the role of JNK in human endothelial cell death induced by anti-cancer therapies
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Predictive maintenance for chilled water system at commercial buildings
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Evolution of residual stress and mechanical properties during closed-die forging and subsequent ageing heat treatment of nickel-based superalloys IN718 and AD730
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A multicriteria decision support method for assessing circular economy pathways of end-of-life products
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Operations and maintenance of floating wind: a holistic approach review, modelling, and opportunistic maintenance strategies
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Social and cultural sustainability in architectural education in India
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Metrological effectiveness of diagnostic techniques for post-tensioned concrete bridges
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Prediction of the risk of adverse outcome for women with pre-eclampsia
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Corporate investment, capital structure and (reversed) debt overhang: a comparative analysis of Chinese, U.S., and global markets
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The role of 16α-hydroxyestradiol in pulmonary arterial hypertension