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Heavy metal inducible antimicrobial activity of streptomyces spp. isolated from the Leadhills and Wanlockhead lead mines in Scotland, Uk
1 of 100
Uncertainty in geoscience interpretation : statistical quantification of the factors that affect interpretational ability and their application to the oil and gas industry
2 of 100
Investigation of the interaction of high current relativistic electron beams with electromagnetic fields
3 of 100
The role of purinergic receptors in the modulation of JNK signalling endothelial and cancer cells
4 of 100
Investigation of fluid properties at non-ambient conditions
5 of 100
Elucidating the function of a conserved gene cluster in a non-pathogenic actinomycete
6 of 100
Numerical analysis and material selection of functionally graded pipes based on metals and ceramics for deep offshore oil and gas operations in Gulf of Guinea
7 of 100
Geochemical effects on natural convection in porous media
8 of 100
Re-evaluation of the in vitro activity of the protease activated receptor-1 (PAR1) pepducin PZ-128
9 of 100
Towards low technology - higher performance architecture : potentials of alternative construction in West Scotland
10 of 100
Radiation reaction in strong fields from an alternative perspective
11 of 100
Comparative efficacy of azole compounds targeting sterol 14-demethylase against multiple isolates of Acanthamoeba castellanii and polyphaga
12 of 100
Structured expert judgement for dependence in probabilistic modelling of uncertainty : advances along the dependence elicitation process
13 of 100
An investigtion into the ability of a kinetic particle-based solver for study of gas flows in micro-scale structures
14 of 100
Peptide nanomaterials : characterisation of enzyme-assisted self-assembly
15 of 100
Racine and Valéry
16 of 100
Hybrid GaN/organic device fabrication by inkjet printing
17 of 100
Exploring leadership as it is expressed within professional rugby : the application of Merleau-Ponty's sensual ontology of flesh to organisational practice
18 of 100
Physical activity levels among young children with ASN/ disability
19 of 100
Interactive digital support for concept design teams
20 of 100
Oral drug delivery of cyclosporine-A using mesoporous silica particles
21 of 100
Manufacturing process optimization within a furniture SME
22 of 100
Spontaneous fibril formation in eumelanin synthesised from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
23 of 100
Understanding the mechanics of golf ball impact : the characterisation of the materials used in golf ball construction for use in finite element analysis
24 of 100
Anti-parasitic activity of extracts and compounds from Monodora myristica
25 of 100
Development and investigation of polymeric vascular graft materials
26 of 100
The integration of topology and entropy-based reliability into the optimal design of water distribution systems
27 of 100
Development and evaluation of free-living physical activity monitoring devices for application in clinical populations
28 of 100
Constrained adaptive natural gradient algorithms for adaptive array processing
29 of 100
Influence of carbon nanographite and other nanofillers on the properties of thermoset : thermoplastic blends for composite matrices
30 of 100
A scanning electron microscopy study of natural engineering soil
31 of 100
Biodegradable nanoparticles for oral delivery of Ciclosporin
32 of 100
The occupational identity and culture of chefs in United Kingdom (UK) haute cuisine restaurants
33 of 100
Extensions of the hit-or-miss transform for feature detection in noisy images and a novel design tool for estimating its parameters
34 of 100
Applications of chemometric and mass spectrometric methods in the study of some biological systems
35 of 100
A study of a coordinated path planning strategy for a fleet of unmanned surface ships in the presence of static obstacles
36 of 100
Congestion management and LMP
37 of 100
Voltage and pH monitoring of electrochemical cells
38 of 100
Applications of programmable MEMS micromirrors in laser systems
39 of 100
Business environmental discourses at global Earth Summits : comparing Rio and Johannesburg
40 of 100
Law and practice on public access to environmental information and participation in environmental decision-making : a comparative analysis of Nigerian legal regime with international best practice
41 of 100
A study of the mechanism of hydrophilic interaction chromatography and its application in the analysis of medical drugs and metabolites
42 of 100
The identification and modelling of the dominant failure mode in hot forging tooling
43 of 100
Partial discharge ageing of polymer insulation under combined AC and DC stress at elevated temperatures
44 of 100
The opening up of hospitality spaces to difference : exploring the nature of home exchange experiences
45 of 100
Adventures with highly reactive enediamines and enetetramines
46 of 100
Small molecules based on novel electron-deficient acceptor units for organic electronic applications
47 of 100
Dynamics of trust in the employment relationship
48 of 100
Biological warfare spectroscopy : development of rapid reagentless, in situ detection of biological threat agents and assessment and correction of the environmental conditioning on the vibrational spectrum
49 of 100
Modelling techniques for 1-3 composite transducers
50 of 100

Towards a space/nature syntax : the influence of spatial configuration and a view of nature on social interaction, with Arcosanti, Arizona, USA, as case study
51 of 100
Application of hyperspectral imaging in pharmaceutical analysis
52 of 100
Scramjet combustion modeling using eddy dissipation model
53 of 100
Social identity in Shakespeare's plays : a quantitative study
54 of 100
The institutionalisation of sustainable development and environmental justice : opportunities and challenges for sustainable, people-centred rural community development in Scotland
55 of 100
Nanoparticle based chemotherapy for pulmonary drug delivery in treating lung cancer
56 of 100
A study of the behaviour of pressurized piping elbows
57 of 100
Convex hulls of planar random walks
58 of 100
Hypertrophic scar therapy : pressure-induced remodelling and its determinents
59 of 100
Some studies of frictional properties of fabrics
60 of 100
Contrasting legacies : determinants of support for incomplete democracies in the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation
61 of 100
Advances in tunable diode laser spectroscopy using residual amplitude modulation techniques
62 of 100
Acoustic-based machine learning diagnostic tool for voice disorders
63 of 100
The application of metabolomics in human health and disease
64 of 100
A descriptive theory of the big accounting firm
65 of 100
A new approach to partial discharge measurements for testing electrical insulation systems
66 of 100
Weight-optimised steel catenary risers and their applications in harsh deepwater environment
67 of 100
Uncertainty analysis of large risk assessment models with applications to the Railway Safety and Standards Board safety risk model
68 of 100
Investigation of desiccation cracks in drying soil
69 of 100
Investigating design solutions for high-rise social housing in Kuala Lumpur with reference to thermal comfort and indoor air quality
70 of 100
Consumer policy - a network/political economy perspective : an application of the new macro-relational consumer policy framework to study the evolutionary dynamics of the policy community for the Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFTS) consumer issue in Canada
71 of 100
The community arts movement in Scotland, 1962-1990
72 of 100
Consuming Kate : unpacking the feminine ideologies surrounding the celebrity princess brand
73 of 100
Control and operation of offshore wind farms connected with diode rectifier HVDC systems
74 of 100
Modelling the ecology and epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae and their impact on conjugate vaccination
75 of 100
A comprehensive chemical examination of methylamphetamine produced from pseudoephedrine extracted from cold medication
76 of 100
Detection of multiple explosives by surface enhanced Raman scattering
77 of 100
Privatisation and public access to information in the united Kingdom
78 of 100
An exploratory study to investigate aspects of the philosophy, method and practical application of pluralist evaluation of counselling
79 of 100
Type projections over self-describing data
80 of 100
Sociological critique and the philosophy of practice
81 of 100
Strategic analysis of organisational decision-making as the interface between corporate idiosyncracies and the adoption of technological innovations : the case of business information systems
82 of 100
Facilities planning and management for the large-scale event industry with a particular reference to a typical mega-event, the Hajj (the pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia)
83 of 100
Post-stroke dysarthria : the psychosocial effects on primary communication partners
84 of 100
Dynamic analysis of a spar-type offshore floating wind turbine and its mooring system
85 of 100
The role of sphingosine kinases and dihydroceramide desaturase in cell survival/apoptosis and inflammation pathways
86 of 100
'Lifestyle entrepreneurs' in the hospitality sector : guest house owner-occupiers
87 of 100
Phytochemical, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective studies on compounds isolated from Malaysian plants, Aquilaria malaccensis and Hopea dryobalanoides
88 of 100
A structural database for pharmaceutical salt selection
89 of 100
The role of sphingolipids in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
90 of 100
Design and development of autonomous robotic machine for knee arthroplasty
91 of 100
Numerical approximation and parametric statistical inference of stochastic differential equations, with applications to finance
92 of 100
Application of population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling evaluate and optimise aminoglycoside therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis
93 of 100
Nanoparticulate materials for environmental remediation : adsorption vs. advanced oxidation techniques
94 of 100
Development and deployment of dynamic reconfiguration capabilities in the telecommunications sector
95 of 100
Conceptualising the antecedents of employee intentions to transfer training to the job : an application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in health education institutions
96 of 100
Imaging of breast cancer using SERS and SESORS
97 of 100
A new method for harmonic penetration study in power networks with renewable generation
98 of 100
Knee kinematics of total knee replacement patients : pre and post operative analysis using computer generated images
99 of 100
Feasibility study into a novel vessel design for accessing offshore wind turbines
100 of 100