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Change and continuality: a contemporary history of drug-based organised crime in the west of Scotland since the 1980s
1 of 10
Energy spectra of interacting Schrödinger-vortex configurations
2 of 10
Hospitality knowledge production in business school: a case of Scotland
3 of 10
X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation insight into microscale mechanisms of rock fracture and fatigue
4 of 10
Quantum information scrambling in tunable range spin models
5 of 10
Moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity during school hours in primary school children
6 of 10
Enhancing the methodology for rain erosion testing
7 of 10
Development of low-cost field-programmable gate array based time-to-digital converters for time-resolved measurements
8 of 10
The lived experiences of staff in one school involved in adapting a Forest School model to fit with the local culture and environment in the city of Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates
9 of 10
Decoding negative treatment of self comprehensive measurement and diverse presentations in socially anxious clients
10 of 10