Molecular dynamics simulations of chitosan oligomer interactions at surfaces and lipid bilayers
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Miniaturization of light-sheet microscopy systems using MEMS as active optical elements
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Developing a novel hyperparameter optimisation method using learning curve prediction to enhance decision making
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Development of a novel single input bi-directional cannula for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
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Developing electrochemical methods for monitoring of therapeutic drugs
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Protein kinases as potential drug targets against the infectious disease Human Leishmaniasis
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Development of adverse outcome pathways framework for the identification of novel mechanistic and clinical insights into the cardiotoxic actions of thiazolidinediones
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Fabrication with Laser-Powder Bed Fusion and characterisation of Zr702 lattices for an orthopaedic application
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The influence of an innovative hospice design and care model on wellbeing
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Design & synthesis of antimicrobial minor groove binders
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Development of pharmaceutical 3D printing filament for fused deposition modelling: material considerations and process limitations
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Mechanistic and computational investigations into the copper(I)-catalysed sulfonylative cross couplings of sulfur dioxide and related sulfinate intermediates
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Electrochemical detection of antibiotics and antibiotic susceptibility
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Speaking as others : a qualification in practice : introducing accredited training to an independent advocacy organisation in Scotland
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On the use of multiple models in macro-economic forecasting and decision-making
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Efficient designs for LiFi system
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Development of micro-fabricated vapour cell technology for compact atomic devices
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Reduced-order-models for strongly nonlinear multi-degree of freedom systems: a quantitative and qualitative Assessment
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Essays on inequality in education, labor market, and health
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Design of horizontal axis tidal turbines for less energetic currents