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Changing course vs. walking the talk : comparing the Rio and Johannesburg Earth Summit business discourses
1 of 20
State theory and the policy network model
2 of 20
Abandoned mine workings manual
3 of 20
The New Right and the particularisation of British voting choice since 1974
4 of 20
The politics of European regional development policy : the European Commission's RECHAR initiative and the concept of additionality
5 of 20
Ups and downs : is there an issue-attention cycle in Britain?
6 of 20
Explaining coalition formation : the case of Swedish local government
7 of 20
Trade unions and 'social dialogue' in Hungary
8 of 20
The resolving of conscience
9 of 20
Policy-making and engineering change : from the Finniston Report to the Engineering Council : an interim report
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Business and society in Britain : the politics and practice of corporate responsibility
11 of 20
Collective action in post-communist society : the impact of structural context
12 of 20
The consumption cleavage heresy in British voting studies
13 of 20
Unique paths to devolution : Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
14 of 20
Steel policy in the U.K. : the politics of industrial decline
15 of 20
Implementation dynamics and discontinuities within the 'imperfect' policy process
16 of 20
Parliamentary select committees in action : a symposium
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Job-creation schemes in the Republic of Ireland : a study of adaptive implementation
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Value for money and effectiveness auditing in the public sector : a symposium : papers given at a conference held at the Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 29 September 1983
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Election studies in Great Britain : imported ideas in a changing political landscape
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