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Changing course vs. walking the talk : comparing the Rio and Johannesburg Earth Summit business discourses
1 of 50
State theory and the policy network model
2 of 50
Abandoned mine workings manual
3 of 50
The New Right and the particularisation of British voting choice since 1974
4 of 50
The politics of European regional development policy : the European Commission's RECHAR initiative and the concept of additionality
5 of 50
Ups and downs : is there an issue-attention cycle in Britain?
6 of 50
Explaining coalition formation : the case of Swedish local government
7 of 50
Trade unions and 'social dialogue' in Hungary
8 of 50
The resolving of conscience
9 of 50
Policy-making and engineering change : from the Finniston Report to the Engineering Council : an interim report
10 of 50
Business and society in Britain : the politics and practice of corporate responsibility
11 of 50
Collective action in post-communist society : the impact of structural context
12 of 50
The consumption cleavage heresy in British voting studies
13 of 50
Unique paths to devolution : Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
14 of 50
Steel policy in the U.K. : the politics of industrial decline
15 of 50
Implementation dynamics and discontinuities within the 'imperfect' policy process
16 of 50
Parliamentary select committees in action : a symposium
17 of 50
Job-creation schemes in the Republic of Ireland : a study of adaptive implementation
18 of 50
Value for money and effectiveness auditing in the public sector : a symposium : papers given at a conference held at the Business School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 29 September 1983
19 of 50
Election studies in Great Britain : imported ideas in a changing political landscape
20 of 50
Sometimes it's hard to be a woman : the dilemma of difference and women's political ambition
21 of 50
Tony Blair, past Prime Ministers, Parliament and the use of military force
22 of 50
Privatisation 'with the grain' : distinguishing features of the sale of the National Bus Company
23 of 50
Mr. Attlee's engine room : cabinet committee structure and the Labour governments, 1945-51
24 of 50
Covid-19 : contact/call centre workers in Scotland
25 of 50
Hobbes, Arrow, and absolutism
26 of 50
Construction forecasts : construction forecasting and research
27 of 50
Who could kill in 1642?
28 of 50
Public finance in the Thatcher era : a critical assessment
29 of 50
Democracy as qualified popular assent
30 of 50
Culture, sport and recreation statistics estimates.
31 of 50
How Adolf Hitler reformed Whitehall
32 of 50
The selection of the party leader, Japanese style
33 of 50
Scottish political culture : is Scotland different? : a preliminary investigation
34 of 50
Programme evaluation in Sweden : the changing policy style
35 of 50
Will I like it the first time? : the maiden speech in the House of Commons
36 of 50
Control systems engineering exam reference manual : a practical study guide
37 of 50
Culture, sport and recreation statistics actuals.
38 of 50
The Labour Party in Scotland in 1979 : advance or retreat?
39 of 50
Measuring the effects of size and ideology on the formation of governing coalitions in parliamentary democracies
40 of 50
The intellectual consequences of the peace : British foreign and defence policy-making in the 1990s
41 of 50

Delivering wellbeing at site level
42 of 50
Playing to win : concepts of utility and partner choice in coalition theory
43 of 50
Legislating against female circumcision : social reform or placebo politics
44 of 50
Local government reform in transition countries : the case of Poland
45 of 50
The web designer's guide to the consumer rights directive
46 of 50
Popular culture, religion and political identity : the case of Scottish football
47 of 50
Green blues : the rise and decline of the British Green Party
48 of 50
Feminism, politics and political science
49 of 50
Rise of issue voting in British elections
50 of 50