
Purchasing development

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 1997
Thesis identifier
  • T9104
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • The objective behind this research was to identify major criteria that could be used to measure the stage of purchasing development reached within an organisation. A literature review identified eighteen major dependent variables, measurements of which were indicative of purchasing development. These dependent variables were subsequently refined and developed using two pilot studies and a five point profiling matrix was developed for each of the measurement criteria concerned. The research methodology was essentially qualitative and used a grounded approach. Being exploratory in nature the intention of the methodology was to identify major criteria affecting the purchasing development process rather than identifying cause and effect, amongst the measurement criteria. The research sample involved two pilot studies and the main research sample, which consisted of six organisations, each with different sales turnovers, drawn from both the Public and Private sectors. These six organisational case studies were explored in depth, using a qualitative research approach. Again a grounded approach was used to analyse the data collected. The results further helped to refine and develop a purchasing profile framework and suggested the relationships between these dependent variables. Considerable evidence was also collected in terms of major independent variables likely to affect purchasing development. The research results will enable future practitioners and researchers to classify stages of purchasing development. Five stages have been identified: infant, awakening, development, mature and advanced. From the research results, interviewees believed that a more advanced proactive purchasing activity would lead to a more effective profitable organisation. These research findings offer a useful analytical tool for establishing the stage of purchasing development reached, and highlights deficiencies in a development profile. Finally, the research suggests alternative ways of developing the activity and likely time periods involved, in the development of the dependent criteria identified.
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 1997
Former identifier
  • 527440

