
A generic evaluation of loads in horizontal axis wind turbines

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2017
Thesis identifier
  • T14631
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 201175183
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • Thousands of load calculations for wind turbine design have been calculated by manufactures, consultants and certification bodies. These have been done as required to develop and validate specific designs. However, there has not been a general systematic study of trends in loads related to key wind turbine design parameters and external operating conditions. The aim of this thesis is parameterise and quantify trends of extreme and fatigue loads based on systematic modifications of wind turbine characteristics.;This thesis is in two main parts. The first part provides an overview of loads calculation methods, flow modelling and approach adopted also considering scaling rules, comparing scaling with similarity and the scaling evident in from commercial world turbines data.;The second part presents and evaluates loading trends for extreme and fatigue loads related to systematic alterations of key wind turbine parameters. Three chapters of results investigate the load impacts of blade structural properties, rotor solidity and up-scaling respectively. The chapter on blade structural properties demonstrates that the self-weight of blades is a major component influencing loads of the blade root and hub.;The chapter on rotor solidity shows that significant load reduction can result for blade root, shaft and yaw bearing in reducing the solidity of rotor. However, the aerodynamic damping reduces with reducing solidity, which is crucial for tower base fore-aft loads; therefore the reducing rotor solidity has an adverse impact on the tower base fore-aft loads. The chapter on up-scale demonstrates that up-scaling with similarity method can give good prediction of loads with an error of ±10% and ±15% for extreme and fatigue loads of large wind turbines (up to 10MW) at the mean wind speed within power production range. Additional, the chapter of up-scaling showed that the up-scaled wind turbines reduce the sensitivity to turbulence with the size of rotor.
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2017
Former identifier
  • 9912557790602996

