
Tiv-Model : an empirically validated design methodology for complex space systems

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2022
Thesis identifier
  • T16197
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • In response to emergent space systems engineering industry challenges, this thesis explored work on the following; 1. The development of engineering design methodologies, following a design process and proposing a baseline of requirements for new methodologies called the “Methodology Requirements Document”. 2. A new design engineering methodology called the “Tiv-Model”, which combines novel academic research into a space systems engineering life cycle model that addresses the emergent challenges. 3. A procedure for verifying and validating design models, based on an existing technique called the “Validation Square”, incorporated to boost the waning confidence industry drivers have of academic models. Through literature research, the Methodology Requirements Document is formed, and the TivModel is created with the aim of optimising the development of space systems. Its novel aspects include a model-based verification technique (called multi-perspective modelling), a focus on teachability for novice engineers and incorporation of other new academic findings, to utilise useful research. The verification and validation of the Tiv-Model is used as an example to create a procedure for academics to validate their own models. A combination of comparative benchmark studies and a focus group was used to continuously improve the model and drive it through the design process. The Tiv-Model rated better in student projects than its benchmark (V-Model) in 13 out of 24 survey categories in a t-test study, and underwent changes requested by industry veterans to finalise the model.
Advisor / supervisor
  • Yan, Xiu
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2021

