
From welfare to work : the impact of the jobseeker-adviser relationship on objective employment outcomes

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2020
Thesis identifier
  • T15627
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 201273677
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • Employability research investigated within the context of welfare-to-work has predominantly been approached from a social policy or economic background. Resultant employability frameworks conceptualise the influence of supply- and demand-side variables on individual employment outcomes, more recently acknowledging the 'enabling' influence of government-led employability programmes on individual outcomes. However, despite policy literature professing the importance of the Personal Adviser in delivering tailored advice and guidance to long-term unemployed jobseekers attending employability programmes, their relationship with their jobseeker has been under-researched as a factor influencing employment outcomes. This thesis attempts to address that gap by suggesting that employability may be an individual outcome, but it is often the result of a collaborative effort.;Situated within social exchange theory, this thesis examines the impact of the jobseeker-adviser psychological contract, in combination with a range of employability factors, in determining objective employment outcomes during the first six months of their social exchange. Hypotheses are tested using multi-source data obtained from jobseekers and advisers over two measurement phases. Phase 1 provides insight into 102 jobseeker-adviser dyads, with objective outcome data provided at Phase 2 for all dyads. Regression analysis demonstrates that key employability components predict objective employment outcomes; but so does the jobseeker-adviser psychological contract, specifically mutuality of jobseeker obligations.;Measures of employability progression and psychological contract breach are captured and analysed at Phase 2, but with a smaller sample size of 42 jobseeker-adviser dyads; thus, not allowing for substantive generalisations to be made. Overall, findings highlight the importance of the jobseeker-adviser social exchange as a factor influencing employment outcomes, and as the first empirical thesis to test these hypotheses, further research directions can provide additional insight in the importance of social exchange in a welfare-to-work setting.
Advisor / supervisor
  • Scholarios, Dora
  • Lindsay, Colin
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2020
Former identifier
  • 9912884693102996

