
Multi-objective network planning for the integration of electric vehicles as responsive demands

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2019
Thesis identifier
  • T15467
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 200979731
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into distribution networks presents substantial challenges to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) internationally. In the 12 months from November 2017, EV registrations in Great Britain have increased by ~22% [A.1], though it is noted that EVs account for only 6% of all UK vehicle registrations [A.1] in 2018. With the UK Government announcement in 2017 [A.2] that "by 2040 there will be an end to the sale of all conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans", the penetration of EVs will require to - unless a new technology emerges - grow exponentially over the next 10 to 20 years towards 100% penetration by 2050. However, the increasing penetration of EVs can provide to the system multiple benefits and assist in mitigating issues; if EV integration is optimally planned using a suitable method. The managed charging of multiple EVs can assist in better utilising power generated by intermittent renewables, which will provide substantial benefits such as peak shifting, deferred reinforcement costs and the reduced requirement for imported energy to support the network at times of need.;Accurately assessing the impact that EVs will have on distribution networks is critical to DNOs [A.3]. In particular, the aim of this thesis is to identify the optimal location, battery size, charger power output and operational envelope for multiple EVs when used as responsive demands in high voltage/low voltage (HV/LV) distribution networks. Societal benefits can include reduced or deferred asset investment costs; reduced technical losses and increasing the utilisation of renewable generation [A.3]. System benefits must be accounted for and can support and inform planning and operational decisions - such as asset investment and network reinforcement. Coordinated smart charging of multiple EVs can assist in managing peaks in the demand curve and increase the utilisation of intermittent renewables. Unmanaged EV charging at times of peak demand would require the DNO to invest in reinforcement solutions to ensure the required additional capacity is made available. However, one approach is to cluster EV charging in periods when the base load would otherwise be low, to lessen the need for asset reinforcement as EV charging during the period of peak demand would be avoided.;Time periods for charging EVs (dependent on the chosen objectives) will be identified and then correlated to times when renewable generation availability is high and when base demand is low. The use of the presented network planning tool will identify EV charging strategies that can be applied to multiple EVs (based on the chosen objectives and with respect to constraints) whilst optimising the type, number and location on a specific modelled network. The planning framework utilises the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2); the use of this algorithm will ensure that the network constraints are not breached and that multiple objectives are included in the analyses. This thesis investigates the impact that the inclusion of multiple EVs (when used as responsive demands); will have on the HV distribution network when the additional EV load is smartly scheduled to meet specific objectives and to correspond with the availability of intermittent renewables. The ultimate aim of this planning approach is to offer DNOs low cost solutions to multiobjective problems relating to EV integration and operation. [References A1-A3 for Abstract available p. XV of thesis.]
Advisor / supervisor
  • Ault, Graham
  • Galloway, Stuart
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2019
Former identifier
  • 9912874391002996

