
Development of a novel endoscopic platform for the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2015
Thesis identifier
  • T13949
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • The main deficiency in the modern medical flexible endoscope is that it confers limited independent instrument movement. Endoscopic multitasking platforms have been designed to overcome this deficiency. These platforms deliver independent instrument movement through the use of traction cables. However, traction cable confers limited instrument movement precision in a flexible endoscope. Improved instrument control could enable more clinicians to perform advanced endoscopic techniques. The aim of this PhD is to design, build and test a novel robotic endoscopic platform which uses micro motors. The use of inbuilt micro motor for instrument actuation in a flexible endoscope has never been described before in the literature. With an improved platform, more patients could benefit from effective and safe minimally invasive therapy.The proposed platform uses in-built motors located at the endoscope tip, endoscope handle and an external unit which together exert forces on any suitable flexible instruments in order to produce up to five degree of independent instrument movement. The design and construction of the twin channel endoscopic platform is performed using computer aided design and rapid prototyping metal printing technology. The key to the successful development of the platform is the development of a novel four-piece linkage mechanism located at the tip of the endoscope, which is capable of guiding instrument movement with two degrees of freedom. Bench top analysis consisted of three parts. Firstly, kinematic performance of the prototype is compared with the predicted performance based on computer simulation. Secondly, force analysis is performed using a traction force gauge. Thirdly, an upper gastrointestinal phantom is used to test the ability of the novel platform in accessing the human upper gastrointestinal tract.A basic functional prototype of the novel platform is constructed. The motors can be controlled with a standard game controller. Kinematic analysis demonstrated that the prototype range of movement is similar to that of the computer simulation model. Force analysis revealed that the prototype is capable of generating a force of 0.45 - 5.94N dependent on the direction of instrument movement. This compares favourably with the conventional endoscope, which is capable of generating 0.4N force. Currently, the prototype is designed to be manufactured using metal printing technology. Therefore, the prototype has been designed with especially thick parts in order to overcome the limitations of this manufacturing technology. The dimensions of the manufactured prototype are 25mm (horizontal), 16.4 mm (vertical) and 61 mm (length). Although this dimension is similar to other published endoscopic multitasking platform and existing endoscopic ultrasound probes, the prototype could not negotiate beyond the oropharynx of the phantom.
Resource Type
  • This thesis was previously held under moratorium from 18th March 2015 until 18th March 2017.
Date Created
  • 2015
Former identifier
  • 9912169093402996

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