
Changes to system inertia and the impact on frequency response requirements

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2020
Thesis identifier
  • T15636
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 201455444
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • The changing power landscape and associated reduction of inertia in the power system,introduces concerns about the assurance of frequency stability and the adequacy ofdynamic frequency responses at low inertia. In islanded power systems, like those ofIreland and Great Britain (GB), understanding the issues posed and deploying effectivesolutions benefit from an investigation concerning the changing demand for frequencycontainment reserve and containment limits following a credible loss risk.This thesis reviews frequency management in GB in the context of the changingenergy landscape towards a lower inertia power system, identifying steps already takenby National Grid the GB Electricity System Operator (ESO) to address the issue,towards managing system frequency in a future lower inertia GB power system,without increasing the risk of system instability. A model and tools are developed tofacilitate the studies presented in this thesis, and it is shown that methods can beemployed to understand and define the factors influencing frequency behaviour, whichcan facilitate improved management of frequency and loss risk containment. Inaddition, an exchange rate method is proposed to convert the amount of reserve heldbetween different frequency containment services, allowing one service to becompared and equated to another. In particular, a relationship is presented forconverting response reserves from Primary to Enhanced response as they are definedin GB.This work provides insight into the need and provision of future frequency responseservices in GB. It is shown that at low-demand and low-inertia existing dynamicfrequency containment services alone are insufficient to manage a credible loss risk,highlighting the changing need for dynamic frequency containment reserve and theneed for, and value of, faster dynamic frequency response services. In addition, it isestimated that in GB the demand for Primary response will exceed Secondary responsefor at least 41% of the year by 2025/26, compared to at least 21% in 2016/17,reinforcing the growing need for additional frequency containment to supplementexisting services. In GB, at present, there exists no dynamic restoration only product,as the services are bundled and the plants that deliver dynamic frequency containmentalso deliver dynamic frequency restoration as an extension of dynamic frequencycontainment, based on the operation of thermal plants. These services are procured asa bundle with demand for dynamic frequency restoration driving tenders in thecommercial frequency response market. In order to meet the increasing demand forcontainment reserve, new frequency containment services are required, and theseshould be unbundled from frequency restoration services. A concept for a suitableframework of frequency containment services is presented that shows that deployingsupplementary reserves as unbundled service manages frequency stability aseffectively as the bundled services, while the inclusion of a rate of change of frequencymanagement service improves performance at extremely low-inertia. In addition, tofacilitate improved market participation and the competitive provision of containmentservices, it is argued that a shift in gate closure for the procurement of frequencycontainment services from month-ahead to day-ahead or even closer to real-time isrequired.
Advisor / supervisor
  • Booth, Campbell
  • Bell, Keith
Resource Type
  • Previously held under moratorium from 23 June 2020 until 23 June 2022
Date Created
  • 2020
Former identifier
  • 9912892791202996

