
An investigation into the effects of plain cigarette packaging on subsequent craving, attention and approach behaviours in current smokers

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2012
Thesis identifier
  • T13224
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • Robinson & Berridge (1993, 2000) proposed the incentive sensitisation theory of addiction which states that through processes of classical conditioning the brain can be sensitised to addiction-related stimuli which results in addicts displaying attentional biases and approach behaviours towards the stimuli therefore resulting in experiencing craving for the drug. The aim of the current study is to utilise this theory to assess new plain cigarette packages as proposed by the UK Government to test their effectiveness in reducing smoking behaviours. Forty current smokers completed three computer-based tasks to condition them to the packages, to assess their attentional bias towards the packages, and to measure their approach tendencies towards the packages. Craving was measured through self-report before and after the presentation of the packages in the conditioning phase and expectancy ratings were taken at the end of this phase. Data were analysed by means of a series of 2X2 mixed ANOVAs. Results revealed the conditioning phase of the experiment was unsuccessful, however participants experienced an increase in craving, expectancy, and approach towards plain cigarettes packages without a health warning suggesting these packages are more motivationally salient than plain packages with a health warning which are deterring smokers from smoking. There was no evidence of attentional biases towards any stimulus category within the current experiment suggesting the incentive salience of the stimuli was not strong enough to capture the attention of the participants. Findings suggest that although health warnings on cigarette packages are smoking-related stimuli if they are not overshadowed by brand information smokers react more to the negative messages they are communicating. The main implication of these results is plain cigarette packages with health warnings that do not display any branding information will be beneficial in targeting smokers to stop smoking and to prevent non-smokers from becoming smokers.
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2012
Former identifier
  • 947865

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