
Applications of high performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of basic compounds

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2012
Thesis identifier
  • T13310
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • The development of chromatographic methods for basic drugs can still present problems. Two modes of chromatographic separation were studied in order to assess their performance with regard to the separation of organic bases. Reversed phase chromatography was applied in the assessment of the stability of two extemporaneous formulations of drugs used in hospital for pain relief in palliative care, for which there was no stability information. Three different formulations of the two combinations were assessed. In the case of the diamorphine/clonidine/bupivacaine combination there were no major stability issues apart from the slow hydrolysis of diamorphine to monoacetyl morphine. In a combination containing morphine and levomepromazinemorphine remained stable, but there was a gradual decline in the level of levomepromazine which fell to below 90% of the original concentration after one week. The theme of chromatographic analysis of basic drugs was continued in the second part of the PhD project where silica based alkyl phases were studied with regard to their ability to retain basic drugs under hydrophilic interaction like conditions. It was observed that with mobile phases containing high levels of organic solvent, for example water/acetonitrile (5:95 % v/v) containing 0.025% w/v ammonium acetate, basic compounds were strongly retained. The strength of the retention of the bases depended on the % of water in the mobile phase and the strength of the ammonium acetate. The novel methods developed were applied to drug impurity profiling and fundamental research on mechanisms was carried out using simple basic test probes.
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2012
Former identifier
  • 966978

