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Conversion as an option
1 of 50
Development of a method for the detection and quantification of the reaction products formed between aldehydes and proteins using high resolution mass spectrometry
2 of 50
Learning based multi-agent conceptual ship design decision support system
3 of 50
A comparison of the chemical and potential anti-inflammatory effects of freeze dried and spray dried Aloe vera
4 of 50
A risk assessment on the emissions from a series of smouldering remediation experiments
5 of 50
Geographies of disadvantage in the post-industrial city : a critical evaluation of policy, practice and partnership
6 of 50
Islamophobia : definitions and experiences in contemporary Scotland
7 of 50
Cross-flow around and stability of multiple circular cylinders
8 of 50
The development of powerful electron-transfer reagents
9 of 50
Essays on exchange rate volatility
10 of 50
Finding the 'Third Wave' : an exploration of contemporary feminism
11 of 50
Semiconductor disk laser pumped Cr²⁺:chalcogenide lasers
12 of 50
The impossible mediation of Jean de Montereul : French agent in Britain 1645-1648
13 of 50
Petroleum technology development in Libya, developing an evolutionary management framework
14 of 50
Design and operation of a harmonic gyrotron based on a cusp electron gun
15 of 50
Designing a comprehensive system for analysis of handwriting biomechanics in relation to neuromotor control of handwriting
16 of 50
An evaluation of the mechanisms of recovery of DNA and fingerprints from fire scenes
17 of 50
The interplay between social capital and the development of small professional firms
18 of 50
A novel investment and valuations-led approach to forecasting hydrogen energy market development and the application of the model to Scotland's Energy Balance
19 of 50
Nonequilibrium boundary conditions for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations in hypersonic gas flow simulations
20 of 50
Autonomy in feminist theory : the contemporary relevance of an old concept
21 of 50
Collective dynamics of cold atoms in optical cavities
22 of 50
The development of a methodology to determine the maintenance strategy for high voltage circuit breakers
23 of 50
Sensory function : use in assessment of spinal cord function and its role in neural control of walking in humans
24 of 50
The role of phospholipids in the growth and differentiation of Streptomyces coelicolor
25 of 50
Investigation into methods for recovery and STR typing of limited quantity and membrane bound forensic samples
26 of 50
Application of high resolution mass spectrometric methods in a study of the metabolome of Trypanosoma brucei
27 of 50
Application of Cournot equilibrium for oligopoly electricity market production
28 of 50
Development of alkali-metal-mediated metallation : advances with potassium and aluminium
29 of 50
Novel cavity design for high power microwave applications
30 of 50
Action planning : an online intervention to increase physical activity and the role of comprehensiveness of plans, intention, self-efficacy, optimism and coping styles
31 of 50
Unsteady flows of thin films
32 of 50
Diode pumped visible Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
33 of 50
Essays in international trade
34 of 50
Robotic navigation and spatial reasoning in uncertain environments with a navigation mesh
35 of 50
Environmental justice as a policy objective
36 of 50
Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of Scottish plants and fungal endophytes
37 of 50
Parenting and executive function in children with and without ADHD symptoms
38 of 50
Attitudes towards digital piracy : the role of morality
39 of 50
Stability and control of network with high penetration of small scale embedded generation
40 of 50
Low cycle fatigue in floating production storage and offloading units
41 of 50
Bose-Einstein condensate manipulation and interferometry
42 of 50
Neuromuscular functioning in older women and their adaptations to resistance power training
43 of 50
Elucidating the role of SCO5753 in the synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
44 of 50
Visualising transcription complexes in the differentiating bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)
45 of 50
The role of map kinase phosphatase-2 (MKP-2) in cardiac function
46 of 50
Design and evaluation of an Interactive Topic Detection and Tracking interface
47 of 50
Stochastic differential equations with switching and numerical simulation for gene regulation networks
48 of 50
Optimisation and mechanistic assessment of an oral influenza vaccine
49 of 50
Creation of a goal-driven and reactive agent architecture
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