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Unique paths to devolution : Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
1 of 100
Development of novel optical sensors
2 of 100
Electrophysiological and neurochemical investigation into the effects of cannabidiol in the CNS
3 of 100
Constrained adaptive natural gradient algorithms for adaptive array processing
4 of 100
Production of novel amine oxidases from microorganisms
5 of 100
Nitrogen-enriched carbon materials for high-power electrochemical capacitors
6 of 100
Managing the dispersion of objective lenses in two-photon laser scanning microscopy
7 of 100
An investigation into bench testing of microprocessor controlled prosthetic knee joints
8 of 100
Bayesian latent variable models for the collaborative Web
9 of 100
Intranasal, inhaled and oral corticosteroids and side effects in asthma, rhinitis and nasal polyposis
10 of 100
The application of quantum cascade lasers to mid-infrared gas sensing
11 of 100
The impact of microcredit on poverty in Pakistan
12 of 100
Activities of extracts and constituents of two Libyan ornamental plants relevant to anti-inflammatory activity
13 of 100
Elucidating the function of a conserved gene cluster in a non-pathogenic actinomycete
14 of 100
Oral drug delivery of cyclosporine-A using mesoporous silica particles
15 of 100
Spontaneous fibril formation in eumelanin synthesised from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
16 of 100
The applicability of quality management to the field of web-enhanced learning in higher education institutions
17 of 100
A comparison of civic and ethnic national identities in the Scottish National Party and Frisian National Party and their impact on attitudes towards European integration, immigration and multiculturalism
18 of 100
Numerical modelling of coupled behaviour in unsaturated soils
19 of 100
Hyperspectral imaging system
20 of 100
A penalty-free multi-objective evolutionary optimization approach for the design and rehabilitation of water distribution systems
21 of 100
Novel computational methods to predict the deformation of macroscopic heterogeneous materials
22 of 100
Power, wealth and entrepreneurial philanthropy in the new global economy
23 of 100
The role of stakeholders in emergent strategy and emergent strategizing
24 of 100
Synthesis of heterocycles via isocyanide-based multi-component reactions
25 of 100
The impact of physicochemical properties and physiological clearance mechanisms on ocular drug distribution
26 of 100
Full envelope wind turbine controller design for power regulation and tower load reduction
27 of 100
Do I put up that womanly defense? This tune goes manly : a corpus stylistic study of gender-specific grammatical constructions of possession in two Shakespearean plays
28 of 100
Synthesis and characterisation of novel organic semiconductors
29 of 100
Imaging of dermal formulations using Raman microscopy techniques
30 of 100
Strategic decision making model for shared services
31 of 100
Pools of neglected labour?
32 of 100
Towards an online steady state visual evoked potential-based brain computer interface
33 of 100
Special features and spectral analysis for fusion plasmas
34 of 100
Application of morphing technique in rapid generation of ship hulls and other forms
35 of 100
The history and development of parliamentary sketch-writing
36 of 100
Development of DPP-IV inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
37 of 100
Two-photon excited fluorescence and applications in distributed optical fibre temperature sensing
38 of 100
Deep brain stimulation of the mediodorsal thalmic nucleus and its implications for the treatment of schizophrenia
39 of 100
In vivo characterisation of human calcaneal soft tissue
40 of 100
Performance improvement and interference cancellation in tracking radar
41 of 100
Shape grammars for hybrid component-based design
42 of 100
Evaluation of antioxidants encapsulated nanoparticles in animal models
43 of 100
The low-temperature formation of mixed-metal oxides
44 of 100
The effects of nurse education upon the experiences and perceptions of students with a further education experience
45 of 100
Magnetophotonic sensor systems for fibre-optic magnetic diagnostics in tokamak fusion reactors
46 of 100
Estimating social networks using communications metadata gathered from mobile devices
47 of 100
On the dynamics, stability and control of displaced lunar orbits
48 of 100
Building integrated low impact ICT networks
49 of 100
Investigation of the effects of flow on crystallisation process
50 of 100
Complex networks and the generalized singular value decomposition
51 of 100
Investigation into the immunological effects of chromium and cobalt ions and wear debris released from metal-on-metal hip implants
52 of 100
Toroidal field power supply for the spherical tokamak power plant
53 of 100
Towards the total synthesis of Agariblazeispirol C
54 of 100
Cooperative Network Coding for wireless networks
55 of 100
A non-invasive system for real-time detection and treatment of sleep apnea episodes
56 of 100
Understanding the role of IGFBP-5 on epithelial and mesenchymal cell adhesion, migration, survival and boundary integrity with a novel 'in vitro' 2D co-culture model
57 of 100
The structure of affective space and motivation, distinguishing between mood and emotion
58 of 100
Strength and reliability of thin walled structures for marine applications
59 of 100
Investigating the role of lymphocytes in in vitro models of neurodegenerative disease
60 of 100
Relationships between hydrological processes and remote sensing reflectance in tidally stirred shelf seas
61 of 100
Optimising nasal formulations for antimicrobial drug delivery
62 of 100
Modelling moving evaporation fronts in porous media
63 of 100
Bringing history to the public via genealogy and family history
64 of 100
Selective therapy with minor groove binders
65 of 100
The physics of a 4th generation light source
66 of 100
Atom trapping in non-trivial geometries for micro-fabrication applications
67 of 100
The use of infrared spectroscopy to examine model poly-peptide and enzyme systems
68 of 100
Modelling of ions and small molecules through human skin in vivo
69 of 100
The application of passive and acoustic techniques in process monitoring
70 of 100
Clients' experiences of relational depth
71 of 100
Experimental nonlinear optics for applications in optical microscopy
72 of 100
Optical and ultrasonic methods for the detection of dental disease
73 of 100
A theory of value in design
74 of 100
End-capped oligothiophene dimers incorporating TTF, metal dithiolene and spirocentric cores
75 of 100
A biomechanical evaluation of the Miami J Advanced cervical collar
76 of 100
An investigation into the effect of depressive symptoms and ruminative processes on prospective and retrospective memory
77 of 100
Agent-based structural condition monitoring for nuclear reactor cores
78 of 100
Vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers utilising quantum dot active regions
79 of 100
The effect of ultrasound on plasmid mobility within different soil types
80 of 100
Promoting positive mental health and reducing anxiety : lessons for living : think well, do well
81 of 100
Photophysical studies of amyloid aggregation
82 of 100
Design and synthesis of linkers for conjugation of DNA to SE(R)RS active nanoparticles
83 of 100
Thermal energy storage for building-integrated photovoltaic components
84 of 100
Spiral 2D array designs for volumetric imaging
85 of 100
The effect of precipitation techniques on bioadhesive microparticle characteristics
86 of 100
Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry and high resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry for profiling pharmaceuticvals and biomarkers in a variety of biological samples
87 of 100
Mathematical analysis of discrete coagulation-fragmentation equations
88 of 100
An evaluation of enhancement techniques for footwear impressions made on fabric
89 of 100
Investigation of the thermal degradation products of bone
90 of 100
Development of EEG test for psychiatric disorder Schizoprenia
91 of 100
Controllability of building systems
92 of 100
Investigation of oxygen transfer in novel medical devices
93 of 100
Identification of electric power system dynamic equivalent
94 of 100
New fuzzy control architectures applied to industrial applications
95 of 100
A study of the novels of Elisa Brune
96 of 100
The role of legal and managerial competences in the delivery of professional legal services
97 of 100
A network analysis approach to investigating disease contact structures at the cell and the population level
98 of 100
Conducting polymers as novel coatings for optimised drug release from coronary stents
99 of 100
Solid-state lasers with joule-level pulse energies and kilowatt average powers for industrial applications
100 of 100
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