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Pragmatic cost estimation for web applications
1 of 100
The shifting shape of useful knowledge in literacy teaching
2 of 100
Recipients' perceptions of the Malaysian excellent teacher award scheme
3 of 100
The role of purinergic receptors in the modulation of JNK signalling endothelial and cancer cells
4 of 100
The occupational identity and culture of chefs in United Kingdom (UK) haute cuisine restaurants
5 of 100
Trace gas spectrometry using quantum cascade lasers
6 of 100
Mast cells in gastrointestinal helminth infection
7 of 100
Work, class and gender in Canadian fiction, 1890s-1920s
8 of 100
Improving fault location through interpole analysis of circuit breaker and automatic reclose scheme operation
9 of 100
The development of nanoparticles to improve the delivery of bioactive compounds to the brain via the peroral route
10 of 100
Shared control in brain computer interfaces
11 of 100
Morphological granulometry for texture analysis
12 of 100
Sensorless adaptive optics in advanced microscopy techniques
13 of 100
Dynamic reconfiguration methods in FPGA-based softawre defined radio system for wireless mobile standards
14 of 100
Fabricating protein arrays using Dip-pen Nanolithography techniques for improved sensitivity of biomarker detection
15 of 100
A state-of-the-art review of the bioartificial renal assist device developed at the University of Michigan, USA
16 of 100
Geochemical effects on natural convection in porous media
17 of 100
Spontaneous fibril formation in eumelanin synthesised from 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
18 of 100
Development and investigation of polymeric vascular graft materials
19 of 100
Anti-parasitic activity of extracts and compounds from Monodora myristica
20 of 100
Extensions of the hit-or-miss transform for feature detection in noisy images and a novel design tool for estimating its parameters
21 of 100
Modelling the ecology and epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae and their impact on conjugate vaccination
22 of 100
A comprehensive chemical examination of methylamphetamine produced from pseudoephedrine extracted from cold medication
23 of 100
Characterisation of turbulent mixing and its influence on antisolvent crystallisation
24 of 100
Development of high power fibre amplifier components, systems and applications
25 of 100
Novel N-heterocyclic activations mediated by magnesium reagents having sterically hindered ligands
26 of 100
Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and electromagnetic (CMD) assessment of Scottish reservoir embankments
27 of 100
Analysing sustainability of solid waste management in Malaysia using ecological modernisation perspective
28 of 100
Securitisation and European natural gas policy
29 of 100
Near infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy for aero engine related applications
30 of 100
"Performance-based damage survivability of passenger ships and design implications"
31 of 100
The non-invasive measurement of knee kinematics in normal, osteoarthritic and prosthetic knees
32 of 100
Size-dependent mechanical properties of single polyurethane nanofibres
33 of 100
Variability of centre of mass velocity through stroke recovery
34 of 100
Evaluation of direct PCR for forensic DNA profiling and the development of a direct PCR multiplex
35 of 100
High dimensional spatial entanglement with photon pairs
36 of 100
Deciphering optical properties of hollow gold nanospheres
37 of 100
Molecular dynamics simulations of liquid flow in and around carbon nanotubes
38 of 100
Distress detection
39 of 100
Synthesis of inhibitors of the IKK-complex for the treatment of prostate cancer
40 of 100
Development of a fat concentration device for plastic and reconstructive surgery applications
41 of 100
Isolation of bacteriophage as an indicator of Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination of water
42 of 100
Power system energy imbalance settlement in deregulated electricity market
43 of 100
A review of the status of medical technology in wound management and wound healing
44 of 100
Stochastic modelling in finance
45 of 100
CFD modelling of flow distortion using OpenFOAM
46 of 100
Dealing with free-riding nodes in an open MANET
47 of 100
Effects of 405 nm HINS-light on mammalian cells and potential disinfection applications
48 of 100
Flavour quality factors and its regulation in red raspberry (rubus idaeus)
49 of 100
SERS-active peptide nanoparticles for investigating protein allostery and bionanoassembly
50 of 100
Numerical models for the simulation of Raman amplification in plasma
51 of 100
A study of consumers' identity construction within food culture
52 of 100
Social interfaces to digital libraries
53 of 100
Organic lasers and nanostructred organic films for hybrid integration
54 of 100
An assessment of the effects of novel anti-inflammatory compounds in cell based studies
55 of 100
Comparative studies on the cultivation of Xanthomonas campestris in submerged culture for the production of xanthan using the traditional industrial stirred tank reactor and a novel oscillatory baffled bioreactor
56 of 100
The synthesis and application of tetrahydrobiopterin mimetics
57 of 100
The role of nucleotides and the P2X7 receptor in radiation induced bystander effect
58 of 100
On-demand routing with unidirectional link support for mobile ad hoc networks
59 of 100
Biomechanical and neurophysiological investigation of insect tympanal organs
60 of 100
Inverse Dynamics based Energy Assessment and Simulation
61 of 100
Novel design for foot pressure measurement using opto-electronics in rehabilitation
62 of 100
Visual pathology rectification
63 of 100
Laser action in solution-processed gain media
64 of 100
Amorphous calcium phosphate nanocomplexes in dental film formulations
65 of 100
Increasing ecological sustainability through land justice and environmental protection for indigenous people
66 of 100
On the realisation of sequential fast fourier transform for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based on field programmable gate array
67 of 100
Environmental forensic investigation of coal tars from former manufactured gas plants
68 of 100
Instabilities in smectic A liquid crystals
69 of 100
Wearable robotics for rehabilitation
70 of 100
Studies of anti-trypanosomal active triterpenoids from some African propolis
71 of 100
The use of infrared spectroscopy to examine model poly-peptide and enzyme systems
72 of 100
Directly diode-laser-pumped titanium-doped sapphire lasers
73 of 100
Designing out the urban heat island effect
74 of 100
Immunological control of toxoplasma gondii infection
75 of 100
Towards fully computable error bounds for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
76 of 100
Discovery of novel antibacterial and antitubercular compounds using chemical genetics and computational approach targeted at phospholipid biosynthesis
77 of 100
Characterisation and comparative virulence profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
78 of 100
The impact of wind generation on power system voltage stability
79 of 100
Nanoparticle sensors for the detection of DNA related to disease
80 of 100
Radiological features of femoroacetabular impingement in patients undergoing hip resurfacing arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis of the hip
81 of 100
Analysis of the regulation mechanism of LmxMPK1, a Leishmania mexicana MAP kinase homologue
82 of 100
A study of the thermal degradation of flexible tdi-based polyurethane foams
83 of 100
Some aspects of measurement of quantum systems
84 of 100
Development of novel intelligence links and pigments
85 of 100
Investigating the effect of simulated diabetic claw toe deformity on the gait patterns of healthy adults
86 of 100
Novel strategies for optimising drug release from medicinal implants
87 of 100
Nonlinear estimation for condition monitoring of advanced gas-cooled nuclear reactor cores
88 of 100
Energy efficient core optical IP networks
89 of 100
Numerical simulation of green water and resulting loads
90 of 100
Developing a model for school librarians in Scotland
91 of 100
An ethno-pharmacological study of Egyptian Bedouin women's knowledge of medicinal plants
92 of 100
Regional economic and environmental analysis
93 of 100
Mathematical modelling of blood glucose for short-term diabetes therapy (using artificial neural networks)
94 of 100
An improved audiometer for specific language impaired children
95 of 100
A systems approach to resource planning in new product development
96 of 100
Development of novel indicators
97 of 100
The application and assessment of active network management techniques for distribution network power flows
98 of 100
The changing demography of Scotland and the impact on the labour market for volunteer labour
99 of 100
Adaptive protection solutions for future active power distribution networks
100 of 100
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