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Thinking together : making communities of practice work
1 of 100
Law and practice on public access to environmental information and participation in environmental decision-making : a comparative analysis of Nigerian legal regime with international best practice
2 of 100
Novel micro-pixelated III-nitride light emitting diodes : fabrication, efficiency studies and applications
3 of 100
Analysis of nonlinear spatio-temporal partial differential equations : applications to host-parasite systems and bubble growth
4 of 100
Consuming Lourdes : an ethnographic investigation into the consumption of religious pilgrimage, with specific focus upon the Catholic sanctuary of Lourdes, France
5 of 100
Rethinking success for transnational advocacy networks : a grounded theory analysis of the 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign
6 of 100
Inactivation of foodborne pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms by 405 nm light : an investigation into potential decontamination applications
7 of 100
Particles in oscillatory flows : jamming of concentrated particulate suspensions and the response of swimming algae
8 of 100
Land use planning in urban areas : towards an ecosystems approach
9 of 100
Miniature wireless deep-brain stimulator and EEG-recording device : implications for the treatment of schizophrenia
10 of 100
Water flow at the nanoscale : a computational molecular and fluid dynamcis investigation
11 of 100
The anti-racism "industry" : a case study of the perspectives of those working in the "race" sector in Scotland
12 of 100
Adapting to devolution : governmental participation and organisational reform in Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party
13 of 100
Technological change and sustainable energy policies : modelling exercises for Scotland and the UK
14 of 100
Searching for salvation, scenery and self : pilgrimage and tourism in northern Britain, c.1500-1800
15 of 100
Capturing the essence of the capital city : urban form and urban life in the city centre of Tripoli, Libya
16 of 100
Aromatic peptide amphiphiles : design rules for hydrogelaion and co-assembly
17 of 100
Biochar for assisted phytomanagement of contaminated soils : short term effects on contaminant availability and plant growth
18 of 100
Alkali metal zincate chemistry : the importance of structure and stoichiometry on reactivity
19 of 100
Authentic, strategic and symbolic stakeholder engagement : an evaluation of CSR and accountability practices in Malaysian unit trust industry
20 of 100
10 out of 10 for Scottish school design? : embedding the social model of disability in the school design process
21 of 100
The design and synthesis of αvβ6 antagonists and PI3K inhibitors as small molecule therapies for respiratory diseases
22 of 100

Deriving field-based statistical relationships to characterize the geometry, heterogeneity and permeability of faults in mixed sand-shale sequences : a new tool for upscaling flow properties
23 of 100
The visit by Buffalo Bill's Wild West to Barcelona : December 1889 - January 1890
24 of 100
Collaborative decision-making in supply chains : the impact of e-collaboration technologies on efficiency, effectiveness and inter-organizational trust
25 of 100
Click chemistry : a route to isocyanate-free polyurethane coatings
26 of 100
Heritage smells : new methods of analyses for the assessment of plastics in heritage collections
27 of 100
Darfur conflict : problematising identity discourse in relation to marginalisation and development
28 of 100
Optical tweezers : a tool to control, manipulate and quantify immune cell interaction
29 of 100
The development of top management teams in a "less favoured" region : evidence from Scottish technology-based ventures
30 of 100
Wind turbine blade leading edge erosion : an investigation of rain droplet and hailstone impact induced damage mechanisms
31 of 100
Critical thinking in a community of inquiry : applying a socio-constructivist framework to problem-based learning tutorials in a Scottish medical curriculum, to investigate critical thinking and the factors that influence this
32 of 100
Media coverage of SMEs in Nigeria : the imperative for national development
33 of 100
Inflammatory and proliferative characteristics of late arteriovenous fistula stenosis : therapeutic potential of diclofenac
34 of 100
Development of an alternative ventricular catheter and an in vitro model of its obstruction
35 of 100
Design and implementation of an efficient solar powered irrigation management system for drip irrigated maize field
36 of 100
2D and 3D optical imaging of SERS nanotags intracellularly
37 of 100
Grid integration of renewable power generation
38 of 100
Assessment of bisphenol A in the marine environment
39 of 100
Nonlinear feedback controller design methods for actuator and sensor performance limited systems
40 of 100
Development of biologically relevant assays for the detection of disease DNA using SERS
41 of 100
Extracting and exploiting interaction information in constraint-based local search
42 of 100
Maximising the benefit of distributed wind generation through intertemporal Active Network Management
43 of 100
Assessment of complex wind turbine wake flow using scanning wind lidar measurements and numerical analysis techniques
44 of 100
Studying the lives of software bugs
45 of 100
The effect of heavy metals on antibiotic resistance in the environment
46 of 100
Multi-component crystalline systems based on supramolecular networks
47 of 100
Synthesis and optimisation of novel molecules to probe epigenetic mechanisms with applications in the treatment of inflammatory disorders
48 of 100
New materials for electrochemical synthesis of ammonia
49 of 100
An electrogoniometer to measure spinal curvature
50 of 100
Framing AIDS : communication, power and the global struggle for access to medicines
51 of 100
A constitutively consistent lower bound, direct shakedown and ratchet method
52 of 100
Vacuum growth of N-octylphosphonic acid monolayer for low-voltage organic thin-film transistors
53 of 100
The social norms of suicidal and self-harming behaviours
54 of 100
Modelling the operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms
55 of 100
The design and synthesis of probe molecules to validate the inhibition of epigenetic mechanisms for phenotypic responses
56 of 100
Ultrasonic technique for chemical process control
57 of 100
Hydrodynamic interaction between ships travelling or stationary in shallow waters
58 of 100
Modelling effects of ionising radiation
59 of 100
Individual analysis of temporal processes to investigate memory and attention in long-term stroke survivors
60 of 100
Colonial science or science in a colonial context? : The control and investigation of cattle disease in colonial India, c.1860-1910
61 of 100
Statistical inference for Poisson time series models
62 of 100
Development of a gamma glutamylcysteine synthetase vaccine to protect against Leishmania infection
63 of 100
Low voltage ride-through of permanent magnet synchronous generator wind energy systems
64 of 100
Algebraic methods for incremental maintenance and updates of views within XML databases
65 of 100
Functional laminar architecture of rat primary auditory cortex following acoustic trauma
66 of 100
Demand side approaches for congestion management in electricity market
67 of 100
Biomechanical evaluation and comparison of microprocessor and mechanical prosthetic knee mechanisms
68 of 100
Structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades using guided wave NDT technique
69 of 100
De-risking Integrated Full Electric Propulsion (IFEP) vessels using advanced modelling and simulation techniques
70 of 100
An investigation of memory deficits and executive function in adults reporting high checking behaviours
71 of 100
In vitro anti-diabetic and anti-obesity activities of compounds from the Cuban medicinal plant, Allophylus cominia (L.) Sw
72 of 100
Enhanced control and protection for inverter dominated microgrids
73 of 100
Structural health monitoring of wind turbine foundations using a wireless sensor network
74 of 100
The design and synthesis of novel epigenetic modulators
75 of 100
An unsteady hydrodynamic model for tidal current turbines
76 of 100
Automated software development and model generation by means of syntactic and semantic analysis
77 of 100
Energy efficient network for rural broadband access
78 of 100
Feasibility studies on the application of relativistic electron beams from a laser plasma wakefield accelerator in radiotherapy
79 of 100
A distributed feedback for organic semiconductor laser platform for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease
80 of 100
Analytical motion planning on 3D-Lie groups
81 of 100
Framing practices, spaces and socialities of consumption in vintage
82 of 100
Development and characterisation studies of a type III fibronectin domain pair
83 of 100
The effect of internal market orientation, internal dynamics and knowledge management strategies on NSD project performance
84 of 100
Parallel finite element methods and software for partial differential equations
85 of 100
Statistical analysis of passenger car use to model the impact of electric vehicle take-up on the power distribution network
86 of 100
Slander and sedition in Elizabethan law, speech and writing
87 of 100
An investigation into the electrogenerated chemiluminescence of near-infrared quantum dots for application in biomedical sensing
88 of 100
Numerical model of the flow phenomena preceding surge in the centrifugal blower and assessment of its applicability in designing anti-surge devices
89 of 100
Aerodynamic modelling and control of vertical axis wind turbines
90 of 100
Operational voltage control of future distribution networks
91 of 100
The need satisfaction and wellbeing of Scottish primary teachers
92 of 100
The Czechoslovak Communist Party's revolution, 1986-1990
93 of 100
Theory and simulations of singly resonant optical parametric oscillators
94 of 100
Synthesis and reactivity of superelectrophilic amidine disalts
95 of 100
Provision of power system frequency response in the context of high wind penetration
96 of 100
Experimental investigations of auditory externalization and the application of head-movement information to hearing-aid signal processing
97 of 100
Performance characterisation of MIMO-UWB systems for indoor environments
98 of 100
A Bayesian belief network modelling process for systemic supply chain risk
99 of 100
Investigation of premixed sooting flames by combined laser induced incandescence and laser induced fluorescence
100 of 100
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