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Current living places and future utopias : community writing in Glasgow, 1967 - 1990
1 of 100
Reimagining a lace town : Part I a novel: 'the queen of the midlands', Part II a critical thesis: what creative processes can a writer use to transform archived oral testimonies into fictional worlds?
2 of 100
An oral history of birth control practices in Scotland : gender, sexuality and Scottish society c. 1965-1980
3 of 100
"Unredeemed by any one single virtue"? : Esmé Stuart's political career in Scotland, 1579-1583
4 of 100
Bodies of history in Anglophone writing on partition
5 of 100
The community arts movement in Scotland, 1962-1990
6 of 100
Politics and personality in the mid-century middlebrow : the fiction of Nancy Mitford
7 of 100
Beastly encounters : human-animal relations in the illustrated police news and Victorian literature and culture, 1864-1901
8 of 100
The intertextual Anglosphere : whiteness in the nineteenth-century Boy's Own story
9 of 100
Searching for Phoebe : a collection of ekphrastic poetry on Phoebe Anna Traquair with a reflection on developing a feminist ekphrasis
10 of 100
The O'Donnell lords of Tír Conaill, 1537-1603 : a study of their efforts to maintain their local power in sixteenth-century Ireland
11 of 100
Advance work : art and advertising in Buffalo Bill's Wild West
12 of 100
The Second World War in Glasgow and Clydeside : men in reserved occupations 1939-1945
13 of 100
Refugees' integration into their professions : experiences of refugee doctors and teachers in the UK
14 of 100
Scotland, America and Tom Paine : ideas of liberty and the making of three Americans - John Witherspoon (1723-1794), Robert Aitken (1735-1802) and Alexander Wilson (1766-1813) - a study in bibliographical history
15 of 100
Red screens : the cinematographic production of the Italian Communist Party
16 of 100
Ruthven : the collapse of the Jacobites at the end of the '45'
17 of 100
Unhealthy city? : public health in interwar Glasgow, 1919-1939
18 of 100
Eduardo traduttore e adattatore : Eduardo tradotto e adattato
19 of 100
"The Celtic Fringe" : the history of British identity in Scotland and Northern Ireland 1870-1970
20 of 100
The audiovisual translation and audience reception of satire : Extras, a case study
21 of 100
The afterlives of Scottish palaces : conservation policy at Scotland's royal residences
22 of 100
'Cosmonaut of inner space' : an existential enquiry into the writing of Alexander Trocchi
23 of 100
Mirrors more than one : tracing the Early Modern mirror-moment
24 of 100
Tuning in : towards a grounded theory of integrative musical interaction
25 of 100
Writing regeneration : literary construction of urban change in postindustrial Glasgow
26 of 100
Leaves which whisper'd what they could not say : Petrarch reading early modern English and Scottish Petrarchism, c.1530-1630
27 of 100
Searching for salvation, scenery and self : pilgrimage and tourism in northern Britain, c.1500-1800
28 of 100
Individualism and Wyndham Lewis : a case for reconsideration
29 of 100
Transgressive sexuality and cultural hierarchy : the representation of the single woman in women's fiction, 1920s to the 1940s
30 of 100
The later covenanting movement, 1660-1688 : a legal reappraisal
31 of 100
Into the unknown : re-writing the 'Brighton quickie'
32 of 100
The end of motion : John Donne and the final cause in natural and moral philosophy
33 of 100
Morrissey and the ghost charabanc : (exploring the ghost charabanc)
34 of 100
Samuel Butler and the rhetoric of development : a study of the contribution Butler's literary imagination made towards the writing of his prose works
35 of 100
The visit by Buffalo Bill's Wild West to Barcelona : December 1889 - January 1890
36 of 100
The civilian body in wartime : occupational health and safety on Clydeside during the Second World War
37 of 100
Prehistoric heroes in Victorian fiction : the antiquity of man and the evolutionary human
38 of 100
Poetic language : a minimalist theory
39 of 100
The impossible mediation of Jean de Montereul : French agent in Britain 1645-1648
40 of 100
Uccellacci e uccellini : anatomia d'un film
41 of 100
In the name of the Godfather : a study of the role of religious rituality and performativity in the Sicilian mafia
42 of 100
Highlandism : its value to Scotland and how a queen and two aristocratic women promoted the phenomenon in the Victorian age
43 of 100
'Some things to not forget : a collection of short stories in the Scottish tradition'
44 of 100
Workers' identities in transition : the impact of deindustrialisation among Scottish steelworkers from the 1990s
45 of 100
Media coverage of SMEs in Nigeria : the imperative for national development
46 of 100
Triptych & Mirrors, portraits, and the Venus effect : the absent art of Triptych
47 of 100
Post-apocalyptic fiction : a portfolio exploring the genre, origin, and use of Apocalypse in literature
48 of 100
Things we'll never say out loud : an extended extract of part one and part two of a novel-in-progress, and an accompanying critical dissertation
49 of 100
'Beauty tradition experiment' : Scotland, the avant-garde, and landscape in the work of Ian Hamilton Finlay and Alec Finlay
50 of 100
Literary interpretations of linguistic form: a psychological account
51 of 100
A liberating inheritance : Chinese Canadian and Japanese Canadian literature in English, 1970s-2000s
52 of 100

Cocaine in British colonial Burma: convergences of commerce, consumption, and control
53 of 100
'It’s no real pleasure in life' : the grotesque in Southern Gothic and beyond
54 of 100
'Why buy the cow When the milk is free?': changing representations of women and cows, from milkmaid to milking machine
55 of 100
Differential development on the Ohio River, 1850-1880 : A historical and genealogical study of two small towns in Ohio and a rural district of West Virginia, before and after the U.S. Civil War
56 of 100
Under the Eclipse
57 of 100
The re-presentation of history in the works of Mo Yan, Ma Jian and Yan Lianke
58 of 100
'A different existence altogether' constructing, conditioning and controlling the British soldier's body in the First World War
59 of 100
The dark side of narrative empathy : a narrative persuasion perspective on whether fiction reading can lead to antisocial beliefs and attitudes.
60 of 100
Call her slim : an original novel with critical commentary
61 of 100
The incel bookclub: inceldom, toxic masculinity and the literary canon
62 of 100
Harkening the loud claps : the representations of Hijras in Bollywood, Indian Anglophone literature and life writings from 1990 to 2020
63 of 100
Imagined women : consumerism, nationalism, and gender in the Ladies' Home Journal and Canadian Home Journal of the 1920s
64 of 100
Printing and periodical culture in the nineteenth-century asylum
65 of 100
Pirates, merchants, and imperial authority in the British Atlantic, 1716-1726
66 of 100
Maud, the series: reconsidering the maiden-warrior archetype
67 of 100
The collapse
68 of 100
The last pair of ears
69 of 100
The leading women: The media representation of minor party leadership during the 2019 UK General Election
70 of 100
Sun, sand, sea...self-loathing? a mixed-methods exploration of women’s beach body experiences from a sociocultural body image perspective
71 of 100
Colonial science or science in a colonial context? : The control and investigation of cattle disease in colonial India, c.1860-1910
72 of 100
How did societal changes influence the development of movement assessment research and shape the definition of a normal child in Britain 1945-1985?
73 of 100
Giants of the Clyde, memory and post-industrial archaeology on Clydeside
74 of 100
Visiting time
75 of 100
This dying machine
76 of 100
We were all scattered to the four winds’: work, identity, and deindustrialisation in post-war Scotland’
77 of 100
Transgressive paradigms : the changing role of transgression in Postmodern art
78 of 100
A cognitive-operative approach to improve the L2 learning of the Spanish subjunctive
79 of 100
A face to die for : acne, dermatology, and the quest for perfect skin in Britain and the United States, c.1800–present
80 of 100
Parenting styles and social-emotional competence of pre-school children in Abuja, Nigeria
81 of 100
The fiction of Anita Brookner, persona, reception, and literary value
82 of 100
The place of poetry in victorian Dundee
83 of 100
A Nietzschean analysis of Vladimir Nabokov's fiction
84 of 100
Slander and sedition in Elizabethan law, speech and writing
85 of 100
Propaganda and the presidency : an analysis of Lyndon B. Johnson's media relations, 1963-1968
86 of 100
The Czechoslovak Communist Party's revolution, 1986-1990
87 of 100
88 of 100
From the land of Genesis : deploying short story form to explore the fictionalization of narratives from veterans returning home
89 of 100
Friends of free emigration’: A comparative case study of the West Indian efforts of the Glasgow West India Association and the Glasgow Emancipation Society, 1833-1862
90 of 100
The rhetoric and effect of causality in children's literature
91 of 100
'I shall have to learn to live all over again’: injury, disability and relationships in the lives of Second World War servicemen
92 of 100
Two Rough Riders, Buffalo Bill and Theodore Roosevelt's enigmatic relationship
93 of 100
The poetic metaphor interpretation processes of L1 and L2 readers from a relevance theory perspective
94 of 100
Beyond opium, a history of refined drugs and government regulation in modern China, c. 1871-1945
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Myra, beyond Saddleworth
97 of 100
To find what matters most
98 of 100
A study of the novels of Elisa Brune
99 of 100
"Fighting in their ways"? : the working man in British culture 1939-1945
100 of 100