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Control of human inflammatory and cell response by novel and classical steroids
1 of 100
Soft tissue control during hydrostatic shape capture for trans-tibial prosthetic provision
2 of 100
Academic integrity in a digital epoch : "What happened when Aristotle introduced phronesis to digital education? Why and how should they work in sync?
3 of 100
The development of BET BD1 selective chemical probes
4 of 100
Development of electrochemical approaches for detection of polystyrene microplastic beads
5 of 100
Innovation readiness assessment tool for research centres and businesses collaborating in lightweighting
6 of 100
Isolation and characterisation of small extracellular vesicles from the human pancreatic cancer cell line BxPC-3.
7 of 100
Analysis of the phytochemical composition and anti-inflammatory properties of Lovage
8 of 100
"Unredeemed by any one single virtue"? : Esmé Stuart's political career in Scotland, 1579-1583
9 of 100
Exploring the views of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in using activity trackers to help manage their condition
10 of 100
Opportunities and barriers to progression: a study of low-paid work in the context of poverty’
11 of 100
Sonophoretic delivery of a model macromolecular drug
12 of 100
Adherence to a community based 8-week programme for stroke-related dysarthria : an exploratory study of clients' views of therapy
13 of 100
Expanding the heterocyclic repertoire of DNA minor groove binding polyamides
14 of 100
Stock market connectedness in Africa: do regional or global factors dominate?
15 of 100
Investigating the importance of LmxOSM3.1 phosphorylation in flagella development and determining LmxOSM3.1 and LmxMPK13 interaction partners
16 of 100
Brainplay : an investigation of serious games that tap into cognitive processes
17 of 100

Protocol development for somatotopic sensory mapping of deep brain nuclei during stereotaxic neurosurgery
18 of 100

Design of a feedback reminder system for stroke patients with Heminglect
19 of 100
Inter-comparison of medical image segmentation algorithms
20 of 100
Health data consistency and management : case study of maternal health data in Malawi
21 of 100
Searching for Phoebe : a collection of ekphrastic poetry on Phoebe Anna Traquair with a reflection on developing a feminist ekphrasis
22 of 100
Parliamentary sovereignty : constitutional theory and practice from a Scottish perspective
23 of 100
The politics of policy sociology : an analysis of contract research
24 of 100
Post-stroke dysarthria : the psychosocial effects on primary communication partners
25 of 100
Towards low technology - higher performance architecture : potentials of alternative construction in West Scotland
26 of 100
Mechanistic rationale of pseudophedrine as a chiral auxiliary : NMR investigation and synthesis of novel auxiliaries
27 of 100
Roads to resources : exploring entrepreneurial network processes and access to resources
28 of 100
Investigating teachers' inclusive attitudes and practices toward children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) in the mainstream classroom : an application of the theory of planned behaviour
29 of 100
The effect a cosmetic cover has on the swing phase of a transfemoral prosthesis during level walking : a pilot study
30 of 100
Towards quantifying the intracellular trafficking of silk nanoparticles in cancer cells : establishing biomarkers in the laboratory setting for the characterisation of subcellular fractions
31 of 100
Adsorption and destruction of methylene blue and acid orange 7 on Ti0₂
32 of 100
Inter-strain variation of pseudomonas aeruginosa : studies on virulence and variation of sigma 54 dependent regulatory targets
33 of 100
Journeys to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games : a storied exploration of volunteer involvement with mega sports events
34 of 100
Effects of L-glutamate and ADP on immunomodulation of microglia : relevance to stroke
35 of 100
A comparison of the Aircast™ and Airstep™ Walkers off-loading capabilities : pilot study
36 of 100
"I'm a student and I'm skint" : a discursive psychological analysis of students' identity constructions in an experiential learning work placement
37 of 100
Scotland : home away from home?
38 of 100
Identifying children with characteristics of asperger syndrome in schools in Malacca, Malaysia : examining the range of characteristics of children with autism in the special education units
39 of 100
Reducing antisocial aggression : the process of self-regulation and manipulation of cognitive-behavioural interventions
40 of 100
Ruthven : the collapse of the Jacobites at the end of the '45'
41 of 100
Eye-movement patterns and perceptual biases in face processing : the effects of aging
42 of 100
Validation of the OrthoPilot lower limb model : the accuracy of the calculated knee centre in computer navigated total knee replacement
43 of 100
The evolution of innovation policy in Styria : the impact of the regional innovation system concept
44 of 100
FXYD6 : impact on working memory and brain activity
45 of 100
Mentoring and coaching at workplaces : a literature review
46 of 100
Adsorption of 17β-oestradiol using biochar
47 of 100
Aesthetic labour : beauty in the eye of the brand
48 of 100
Biologically active secondary metabolites : investigation of marine organism and microorganisms
49 of 100
Reviving the lost sustainable architectural features in hot and arid regions of Iran : developing building sustainability assessment methodology
50 of 100
Control of cytokine production from human monocytic cells by prostaglandin 15-Deoxy-Δ-12,14-prostaglandin J2
51 of 100
The barriers to friendship : computer mediated communication use amongst adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
52 of 100
Addressing sustainability of off grid power in developing countries : a case study of Malawi
53 of 100
Liver cancer chemoprevention : transcriptional regulation of AKR7A1 dietary chemoprevention
54 of 100
Design study into a very high temporal resolution (<10 ps), 2D imaging, modular UV and X-ray diagnostic : the Orion Time Dilation Imager (TIDI)
55 of 100
Functional and clinical outcome 3 months post partial knee arthroplasty : comparing MAKOplasty® to conventional surgery
56 of 100
Islamophobia : definitions and experiences in contemporary Scotland
57 of 100
"The Celtic Fringe" : the history of British identity in Scotland and Northern Ireland 1870-1970
58 of 100
Embedding partnership in local development : the role of the Structural Funds in western Scotland
59 of 100
Cancer chemoprevention : transcriptional regulation of AKR7A1 by dietary chemoprotectors
60 of 100
New treatments for inflammatory diseases : optimisation and understanding of key processes
61 of 100
Staffing trends and organizational effectiveness in international non-governmental organizations : a multiple case study in Tanzania
62 of 100
Physical activity levels among young children with ASN/ disability
63 of 100
Using forensic science in major crimes investigation : a preliminary review of limiting factors
64 of 100
The afterlives of Scottish palaces : conservation policy at Scotland's royal residences
65 of 100
The institutionalisation of sustainable development and environmental justice : opportunities and challenges for sustainable, people-centred rural community development in Scotland
66 of 100
Investigating novel inhibitors of essential Leishmania mexicana kinases GSK3β and MPK4
67 of 100
Effective exporting : an analysis of contemporary and enduring critical success factors which enable successful exporting performance by UK SME
68 of 100
Supramolecular assemblies : a new route to controlled drug delivery and scaffold for tissue engineering
69 of 100
The O'Donnells of Tyrconnell, 1541-1569 : a study of their reaction to English rule in Ireland in the mid-sixteenth century
70 of 100
The Sana'a groundwater crisis : saving the Yemeni capital from extinction
71 of 100
Finding the 'Third Wave' : an exploration of contemporary feminism
72 of 100
Social anxiety and victimisation in shared accommodation : the role of appraisals and coping strategy use
73 of 100
Conductive polymers : their use and possible application as drug-eluting stent coatings
74 of 100
Cytotoxic effects of cobalt metal ions on osteoblasts : are calcium channels involved?
75 of 100
Research mini-projects : 1. Probabilistic forecasting of maximum wave height ; 2. Optimal sizing and operation of battery storage at ray wind farm
76 of 100
Action planning : an online intervention to increase physical activity and the role of comprehensiveness of plans, intention, self-efficacy, optimism and coping styles
77 of 100
An empirical investigation of the resource curse theory and economic growth : panel data analysis
78 of 100
Attitudes towards digital piracy : the role of morality
79 of 100
Reworking creativity : a Vygotskian approach to understanding creative activity within artisanal and alternative food movemements
80 of 100
Ambivalences of consuming social technology : understanding how the practice of friendship and construction of the public self have been affected by social technology
81 of 100
IT apprenticeships in Scotland : good quality or same old problems?
82 of 100
Eye movements in relation to substance related stimuli : examination of relationships between attentional bias, craving and impulsivity
83 of 100
Immunisation as an attachment measure : a feasibility study
84 of 100
Investigation of P2Y₁ and P2Y₁₂ receptor heterodimerisation
85 of 100
Encountering forms of ethnic and social cohesion : the Polish community in Glasgow
86 of 100
Validation of TKA Smart v1.0 software : are the clinical outcomes the same as the TKA 4.3 software?
87 of 100
"Consuming Kate" : unpacking royal celebrity
88 of 100
Individualism and Wyndham Lewis : a case for reconsideration
89 of 100
Investigation on the mechanism of action of pseudoephedrine as a chiral auxiliary : synthesis and use of a novel pseudoephedrine based chiral auxiliary
90 of 100
What is left after they are gone? : a study of the "crisis of masculinity" in Bolivian men as an effect of their female partners migrating to Spain
91 of 100
Manageability and controllability of project risk : theoretical concepts and managerial perspectives
92 of 100
The later covenanting movement, 1660-1688 : a legal reappraisal
93 of 100
Reworking fidelity : a discursive psychological approach
94 of 100
Formulation of a conceptual framework for maintenance strategies : a case study on UK North Sea oil and gas industries
95 of 100
Online branding and communications : the theories and principles of semiotics - the case of the Highland Park web site
96 of 100
Early detection of infusion line infiltration : a study of design solutions
97 of 100
Into the unknown : re-writing the 'Brighton quickie'
98 of 100
Biochemical and molecular characterisation of the proposed P2Y₁-P2Y₁₂ receptor heterodimer in tsA201 cells
99 of 100
An investigation to determine the capability of micro-scale zero-valent iron (μZVI) in the remediation of Cr(VI)
100 of 100