
Evaluation and development of computer based teaching and feedback : Strathclyde Computerised Randon Interactive Prescription Tutor (SCRIPT)

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2013
Thesis identifier
  • T13465
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • Aim: Strathclyde Computerised Randomised Interactive Prescription Tutor (SCRIPT), an elearning program, was designed as a revision tool for an undergraduate competency based pharmacy practice class. SCRIPT has been developed and evaluated over four years. SCRIPT started as a standalone revision tool, and was developed to become an integrated teaching and revision tool, following the principles of Supplemental and Replacement models (Twigg, 2003), and as an optional resource to support preregistration trainees. This thesis describes the use and perceptions of SCRIPT during each stage of development. Methods Student use of SCRIPT was determined through log file analysis at all stages of the evaluation. Descriptive statistics were used to compare the access patterns observed from each cohort. Student perceptions were determined through online questionnaires and semi-structured interviews and staff perceptions were sought through interviews. Results: SCRIPT was used extensively over three years of undergraduate education. The greatest remote use was seen following Supplement integration; 4882 attempts per 100 students over the year. Students predominantly accessed SCRIPT during normal waking hours and in the run up to class assessments. This was consistent at all stages of the evaluation. There were differences in use patterns observed between the Home and Collaborative students. A number of refinements to SCRIPT were made in response to the feedback from students and staff. SCRIPT was used less frequently in pre-registration training. A need to review the most appropriate way to use SCRIPT during this stage of pharmacy education was identified. Conclusions: SCRIPT has been a helpful learning aid for pharmacy students and there is scope to develop the tool further into pre-registration training. Future developments should remove ambiguity in the program and increase staff engagement. Future research should compare SCRIPT use and perceptions in other Schools of Pharmacy.
Resource Type
  • Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13465
Date Created
  • 2013
Former identifier
  • 991160

