
The audiovisual translation and audience reception of satire : Extras, a case study

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2017
Thesis identifier
  • T14844
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 200853177
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • In recent years, the number of studies of the audiovisual translation (AVT) of humour and its audience reception have increased (e.g. Fuentes Luque, 2000; Chiaro, 2004, 2007; Schauffler, 2012 etc.). However, no previous studies of the audience reception of AVT have looked at specific types of humour such as satire. A more detailed look into the textual and discoursal properties of satire (Simpson, 2003) reveal that satire is significantly different from other types of humorous discourses and thus, its translation should be studied separately in order to gain insight into the translation issues that might be specific to this type of discourse. Moreover, Mason (2009: 55) notes that enquiries into reader response would be useful for translation studies. Audience reception experiments should aim at seeking evidence of inferences drawn by actual users of a text and its translation as a means to support and correct the analyst's findings. In light of these observations, this study investigates the audiovisual translation and audience reception of satirical discourse. In order to fulfil this aim, and as a case study, the British television programme (Extras, 2005, BBC Two) and its dubbed version in Spanish for Spain are analysed in the light of Simpson's (2003) model of satirical discourse. This comparative analysis is followed by an audience reception test which has been carried out in order to elicit responses from British and Spanish participants regarding their interpretations of both source and target texts. The results of the study show that recurrent aspects of satirical discourse such as culture-specific items, intertextuality and taboo topics etc. often prevent the successful 'uptake' of satirical discourse amongst the target viewers. The study also proves that the use of audience response tests is useful in order to elicit viewers' responses to elements of satirical discourse and their translations.
Advisor / supervisor
  • Rodero, Jesús
  • Caballero, Beatriz
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2017
Former identifier
  • 9912597190102996

