
Decarbonising heat and transport : impacts on local electricity systems

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2024
Thesis identifier
  • T16992
Person Identifier (Local)
  • 201868347
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • There is an increasing need to decarbonise both heating and transport sectors in the United Kingdom (UK), and the uptake of low carbon technologies (LCTs) will be central in achieving this. However, the uptake of LCTs is expected to pose significant planning and management challenges for distribution network operators (DNOs) in the coming decades as the impact of LCTs on electricity distribution networks varies both spatially and temporally, and is driven by the diversity in technology type, consumer behaviour, variable weather patterns, variation of the building stock and the incumbent network assets. In recognition of this diversity and household energy variability, LCT adoption and utilisation will be influenced by the distribution of socio-economic factors within a local area. This, in turn, has the potential to have varying impacts on distribution networks across different regions. Therefore, to inform decision making, and to ‘better’ quantify place-based LCT impact and the value of local flexibility, there is a requirement to understand the impact LCTs will have on distribution network infrastructure across diverse geographical areas with consideration for socio-technical and socio-spatial dimensions. This research, which is informed by unique access to distribution network infrastructure data for the entire north of Scotland, presents three approaches to explore key research questions within this theme, summarised as follows: 1. A high-resolution assessment methodology that enables assessment of electrified heat and transport impact on transformer headroom at scale using socio-economic indicators to inform the application of LCT consumption data. This includes mapping of spatially linked datasets to identify relationships between consumption and social deprivation. These relationships are then used as inputs to a heat pump (HP) modelling methodology that couples two methods of converting gas demand to equivalent electrical heat demand. This approach is compared with a generalised trial data approach to ascertain the impact of incorporating socio-economic elements. 2. A scalable approach to localised low voltage (LV) network and LCT impact modelling that couples two modelling methods: a LV network model development methodology and a LCT impact assessment methodology which accounts for both the electrification of heat and transport demand. The methodology extends the existing HP modelling method and similarly includes battery electric vehicle (EV) charging which is based on charging behaviour in the form of charging diaries showing the combined effect of different LCTs. This is demonstrated on spatially explicit LV network models through quantification of LCT network impact against key network assessment metrics. 3. A method to translate narratives on energy demand futures in heating and transport to impacts on local electricity systems, enabling quantification of the stress placed on key infrastructure and the ability of those demands to act ‘flexibly’ in supporting the renewables dominated generation mix necessary to achieve energy system decarbonisation at pace. The findings are considered from the perspective of the DNO and other key stakeholders to demonstrate the value in spatial and temporal high-resolution modelling, emphasising a need to consider the combined impact of electrified heat and transport in future network investment planning.
Advisor / supervisor
  • Galloway, Stuart
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2023

