
Application of hyperspectral imaging in pharmaceutical analysis

Rights statement
Awarding institution
  • University of Strathclyde
Date of award
  • 2014
Thesis identifier
  • T13781
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Department, School or Faculty
  • This thesis describes the application of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) as a novel technique for the analysis of spectral data derived from image analysis of tablet breakdown during dissolution. Whilst defining the rate of release is the common output from traditional dissolution experiments, the intention of the research presented in this thesis was also to describe the physical changes occurring within the disintegrated mass during the dissolution process. The initial stages of the investigation focused on determining which wavelength ranges were most discriminatory in separating out similar polymer samples; the two wavelength ranges investigated were the visible (400-860 nm) and the near infrared (835-1650 nm). As the polymer samples were similar, comparison of the spectra for distinguishing features was unsuccessful and principal component analysis was used to separate the spectral signals. The near infrared (nIR) was shown to be the most effective wavelength range at separating signals due to an increased number of peaks for comparative analysis. The examination of the dissolution of paracetamol tablets produced by several different manufacturers was described in this thesis. In particular, the rate of expansion of tablet material and the identification of caffeine containing regions during tablet dissolution. The initial results tracked the expansion of the tablet within the flow cell and determined the cause of the signal attenuation affecting the results. The final experiments combined the spatial and time resolutions of the previous experiments. This system used a minimised path length to reduce signal attenuation and give spectra with enhanced spectral features. This system was able to show caffeine rich regions in the tablet during the dissolution in a caffeinated paracetamol brand, the rate of caffeine loss also being calculated. These results were then corroborated using conventional analytical techniques to establish whether HSI had robustly measured the release of a known compound during dissolution.
Resource Type
Date Created
  • 2013
Former identifier
  • 1036429

